Xbox controller question
Anyone know if xbox controllers will work with the 360? One of my S controllers is fucking up and i'm not sure if I want to buy another one if it won't work with the 360. =/
i dont think so, i think they are all gonna be wireless or possibly usb ~ i didnt see any normal controller ports on the system. i am also told that microsoft is the only company that can make controllers for the 360 which means no 3rd party...sad
Of course there are ports how do you think the base $300 system will work considering it comes with wired controllers, as far as I know yes the controllers and memory units are 360 compatible but I dont know for sure.
Just FYI Xbox controllers are ALL usb controllers they just use a non-standard plug so you coulnd't plug them into your computer and such..

So i think they could easily make an adapter for the Xbox 360 to be able to use regular contollers on it but thats just speculation.
upon reading this message, being bored and having a broken controller myself. i decided seen as i love to take things the peices that i would test this theory out. plus thanks to the xbox controllers safety latch i didnt neccercerally ruin a controller. Anyway i took the casing off, removed the plastic coatings then the metal casing. using my ps2 as a testing port, i tryed to use it however it was too big. So i cut it down untill it fit. then i went to install it into my computer, but seen as i have a shit computer (win 98) i cannot tell if it works. i have pitures and will upload them as soon as i can get to a computer that works.
yes, a converter is as easy as stripping a usb wire, a xbox controller cord, and knowing wich wires cross with which other wires...i have one like that, but drivers are an issue, for the pc they can be downloaded pretty easily...but the real question is do u think MS would make their system bakward compatible with controllers, knowing that no third party controllers are comming out for the system? hell no MS sees this as a nice new cash crop, chargin (more then likaly) $30 for usb wired controllers and $45 for wireless ones.
I don't see how they can stop 3rd party companys unless they use encryption between the controller and teh console which then under the DMCA (very very evil law) it would prevent legitemant companies from making added products thus giving a monopoly on Xbox 360 Controllers.

but some companys have one when reversing encryption to work with products like the Lexmark lawsuit that they lost.. whoot.. maybe there is still a ray of hope.
In any case whether M$ will try to monopolize that or not I think its totally obvious at this point that M$ is just trying to turn this into another great market to suck dry. They have no interest in gaming just how much money they can leech off gamers. I am talking about M$ not the game developers.
But honestly I expect them to pull some dirty tricks like making full backwards compatibility not included and then you have to download files off xbox live to your hard drive to get it and M$ charging for that download, or including functions in model 2 or 3 of the 360 that are not included in the first model that makes everyone with model one furious.

Kind of like that mid 90s case where they sold bad copies of a ver of dos and then made everyone with that bad copy pay to download the fixer file. I wouldnt put anything past them.
geo85 Wrote:In any case whether M$ will try to monopolize that or not I think its totally obvious at this point that M$ is just trying to turn this into another great market to suck dry. They have no interest in gaming just how much money they can leech off gamers. I am talking about M$ not the game developers.
But honestly I expect them to pull some dirty tricks like making full backwards compatibility not included and then you have to download files off xbox live to your hard drive to get it and M$ charging for that download, or including functions in model 2 or 3 of the 360 that are not included in the first model that makes everyone with model one furious.

Kind of like that mid 90s case where they sold bad copies of a ver of dos and then made everyone with that bad copy pay to download the fixer file. I wouldnt put anything past them.

Well, you can replace M$ with any other company and your story will still be correct. In terms of money leechers sony and M$ are about equal in my eyes. I personally do like what M$ is doing with the market, mainly the worldwide release of games and the 360 has made me a happy man comming from europe. That gives me a feeling that they DO care about our market and I applaud them for that move.

Downloading files to play backwards compatible games I can see happening. Paying for it? No way. They're not that stupid. They know gamers already paid for the game. So far they are doing everything perfect. Price is good, release date is good, Live looks good, games look good. If it will be enough to beat sony I don't think so but they are not the evil in the gaming world that they were when they started in this business.
Anyone notice that doa4 looks hardly better than doa2 on xbox? Most next gen games look awesome like oblivion or killzone 2. Doa 4 looks like crap in every video i've seen of it.
The only differences in doa4 I have seen are slightly higher detail levels and larger arenas with more intereactive and moving objects. Also killzone is just a movie, sony shows movies buts that not what we want to see. PDZ for a next gen game looks utterly horrible. Even motogp 2006 looks only slightly better than gp3, to me oblivion is the only next gen game I have seen that looks next gen. I am starting to understand the xbox 1.5 argument.
Most of the games look about or below ninja gaiden quality.

Gears of war looks only slightly better than doom 3.
Actually they've already said the killzone 2 movie they released was the intro for a level and not a cg movie...
They say this they say that, I will believe it when I see it and real gameplay footage.
They say that's what games on the ps3 will/can look like in a few years. I believe it, just look at Gears of War on the 360 now and its not even finished. I agree Killzone2 looks better but the detail in GoW gets pretty close to that killzone movie. Also the mgs4 movie had that much detail and it was in engine material. I believe its posible but it will take ALOT of time and money so not all games will look like that.
geo85 Wrote:They say this they say that, I will believe it when I see it and real gameplay footage.

Yup. And you said it was a movie and not gameplay footage. I guess i'd trust the people who actually made the video over your opinion.

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