Happy Birthday Andromeda18_
Sounds like a great trip! Must've been expensive though, unless you traveled on the InterRail.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
it was through a travel group, contiki, we were on a bus. my buddy and i were the only americans, most were australian and they can party! wow, and american girls just can't party compared to girls in other countries, not even close.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Homeless Joe Wrote:it was through a travel group, contiki, we were on a bus. my buddy and i were the only americans, most were australian and they can party! wow, and american girls just can't party compared to girls in other countries, not even close.

I've been checking out Contiki's website and it seems to be really awesome! Considering all the countries visited it's not expensive at all!
Anyway, what exactly do you mean by "american girls just can't party compared to girls in other countries, not even close."? Wink
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
lol girls here just can't party. the girls on the trip with us were pounding beers every night with everyone else and parting hard. girls here just can't hang.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Homeless Joe Wrote:lol girls here just can't party. the girls on the trip with us were pounding beers every night with everyone else and parting hard. girls here just can't hang.

That's what you get for not letting people younger than 21 drink. :p
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
yeah! f that!! that is such a messed up law if you ask me. everyone on our trip was making fun of us and so shocked that we couldn't go to bars like they do! wtf! but not that the law really stops a lot of people, i was getting drunk almost every weekend in high school, it just makes it a bit harder and kids have to hide it.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
I wasn't saying kids should be drinking but 21 is far too much to set as an age limit. Up until a couple of years ago there was no law that would prevent kids from drinking here but then they passed a law that states stores can only sell wine and beer to kids under 16. If they're older than 16 they can drink anything. Then again Portugal ranks 3rd when it comes to alcohol consumption worldwide. We consume about 13 liters per capita per year, Ireland 14.2 and ranking 1st Luxembourg with 14.9 liters (only 8.3 per capita in the US and 10.4 in the UK). The funny thing about all this is that the reason why Luxembourg ranks 1st is because more than 1/3 of the foreign population residing there is Portuguese! Ah,ah,ah! We're a bunch of drunkards, definitely not an example to follow!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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