Shadow of the colossus
elcoholic Wrote:Also any ps2 bashing graphics whores need to look at this game and then shut up for the remainder of this generation.

Framerate bites it; that?s all I'm saying.:p
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Don't forget that if you have the tv and hook-ups. This game in 16:9 mode and progressive scan is even MORE gorgeous!

Sadly the ps2 doesn't handle progressive scan too well in alot of the games that support it (they start getting alot of screen tear), but this game isn't one of those.

I've still gotta go pick it up for my brother for christmas, hopefully i'll get a chance to snag it from best buy for $39.99 (or just order online from compusmart and get a $10 mail-in rebate, and get the game for $34.99).

Also i can't believe that my local Costco has Ico for sale, in their random cheap console game area.
[Image: 468x60_gumgum.gif]
lost and looking for the 11 collossi....

Damn the 10 one kicked my ass

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