Gundam Seed Destiny ep. question
Can someone please let me know how episode 41, 42 and 43 start out? Just what the first picture or what's going on would be good. ie is there a big white ship with a red strip in the beginning or what?

Problem is I downloaded a buncha stuff on bearshare and I have two versions of those 3 eps so someone was a bastard and mislabled them on purpose. =/

Cidien Wrote:Can someone please let me know how episode 41, 42 and 43 start out? Just what the first picture or what's going on would be good. ie is there a big white ship with a red strip in the beginning or what?

Problem is I downloaded a buncha stuff on bearshare and I have two versions of those 3 eps so someone was a bastard and mislabled them on purpose. =/

Easiest would be to check out this page and compare file sizes to your files

to check full file size on a file right click it and choose properties and its the size in ()..
Thanks i'll do that when I have time. Would still appreciate a description of the openings though if anyone is willing to do so.
Phase 41 is a recap ep. It starts with Athrun in bed listening to the news report on Heaven's base and him thinking about previous events.

Phase 42 starts with the Archangel taking off to partake in the battle to defend Orb. Murrue also lets Neo go and gives him the Sky Grasper.

Phase 43 starts with Destiny and Legend launching. It also shows Athrun launching in Infinite Justice. They also show Freedom squaring off with Destiny and Legend.

By the way Cidien, which fansubs are you downloading?
Thanks for the help. I'm downloading all sorts of different ones. Bearshare has like 5 different groups lol. I just took whichever ones downloaded the fastest. This is the first series i've had a problem doing that. =/ It's like naruto. Some of them are anbu some are db and every once in a while another group whos name I can't remember. No probs though.
Your welcome, but isn't that confusing though? I mean each group has a different translation, what one character says will be translated differently and affect the overall translation of each different fansub. Isn't that going to affect your viewing?
I agree with Jenga.. only time i switch fansubs is only when a group stops subbing em.. don't care if they are fast or slow i perfer sticking to one..

and bittorrent is alot better at finding just 1 group since they are put together..

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