One helping please!

And they aren't against America, they are against the American Ideals...
gubi-gubi Wrote:Bush does want to tell everyone what to do and anyone who disagrees is wrong and against America... Freedom fries?

Full. Of. Crap.

He never says everyone has to agree with him or that you're against america if you don't. He thinks he's doing the right thing and the other people are wrong, but they think exactly the same thing....
Just for the record there are 40% more trees in the US now than there were in Lincolns time, for all the trees that are cut down more are planted in so called tree nurserys.
Everyone thinks they are right some one else is wrong for not agreeing with them its the whole damn stupid cycle humans go through and it probably wont change, as carlos says dur dur dur.

The problem is not one person, everyone likes to say its all Bushes falt but
I dont see one damn senator or representative trying to do any good( and even when one tries to do good the rest just pigeonhole them) the whole system is shot, its broken and it does not work, for crying out loud with all the crap going on the senate was now just able to decide on the proper disposal of the flag, thats all the lazy crooked F***ers could do, they are slow morons.
Just for the record I am not a bush supporter but I am not dumb enough to think that the president is responsible for everything, what do you think the senate and house of reps is and the Judiciary branch is for. Are they doing any better for the country than Bush??? Doubt it.
geo85 Wrote:Just for the record there are 40% more trees in the US now than there were in Lincolns time, for all the trees that are cut down more are planted in so called tree nurserys.
Everyone thinks they are right some one else is wrong for not agreeing with them its the whole damn stupid cycle humans go through and it probably wont change, as carlos says dur dur dur.

The problem is not one person, everyone likes to say its all Bushes falt but
I dont see one damn senator or representative trying to do any good( and even when one tries to do good the rest just pigeonhole them) the whole system is shot, its broken and it does not work, for crying out loud with all the crap going on the senate was now just able to decide on the proper disposal of the flag, thats all the lazy crooked F***ers could do, they are slow morons.
Just for the record I am not a bush supporter but I am not dumb enough to think that the president is responsible for everything, what do you think the senate and house of reps is and the Judiciary branch is for. Are they doing any better for the country than Bush??? Doubt it.
I highly suggest all you who think the President is to blame...go take American Government again. A system of checks and balances. If Bush really wanted to, he could set things up that won't come to fruit for a president or two and make them look like shit. A presidents "popularity" is largely based on things done by previous presidents.

I've decided it's best if I just not read or respond to this thread any more. It angers me to see so many peolpe buying into what the media is selling. (that doesn't include all of you, so don't get pissy)

Taco man speaks the truth on this disaster.

(Funniest thing ever, a must watch mainly because its TRUE)
aka EngrishMajor
Um, that's one of the most retarded flash's i've ever seen in my life. Which part exactly is true? Seriously. Which part isn't retarded bullcrap.
That flash was stupid. First of all, "Taco Man" looked like a misshapen dildo with a chin trying desperately to pull off a Kermit the Frog. Second of all, like Ciden said, what part of that was true? One part I?d like to make fun of in particular is that they said back in 2001 that a hurricane could hit New Orleans, that?s like saying if you live in Oklahoma, you get hit with a Tornado or if you along the Mississippi you could get flooded out. When living on the coast bad shit happens from time to time; it is a risk living there, but every day you live there is a risk you could die from something, somehow. I feel dumber for having watched it.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Your both obviously republicans, im a democrat and voted for Kerry...
aka EngrishMajor
Liete Wrote:Your both obviously republicans, im a democrat and voted for Kerry...
and that has anything to do with what? and since you voted for Kerry i presume you will flip-flop on this subject..
It has to so with them not liking the anti-bush movie.
aka EngrishMajor
And just because they don't like what you like you assume that they are bush supporters.. You are worse then most people in that aspect.
Im glad you think so.
aka EngrishMajor
Liete Wrote:It has to so with them not liking the anti-bush movie.

You?re an Idiot. I don't belong to any political party, because it is stupid to vote based on what group of people you like. When choosing who is going to get my vote, I take it on a case-by-case basis.

And for the record, I don?t support Bush, he just doesn?t deserve to have to take the blame for a natural disaster that people knew about long before it got there. It seems everyone wants to blame him, or other parts of the government, for this happening. In the end, however, each and every person was responsible for themselves. They didn?t take the threat seriously and some paid with their lives for it.

The slow reaction by the Government was a little weird, but it was the country as a whole that reacted slowly. Relief organizations were slow to act, the media was slow at first to cover all that was happening, and the people were slow to know/care about what was going on down there. The country as a whole just seemed dull, possibly because this is the single worst natural disaster I can ever remember; maybe we just thought it wouldn?t happen in our country?
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
This threads kinda rare. I've kinda wanted to post several times now but I havn't cuz I just don't know how I could possible make Liete look more stupid than s/he makes him/herself look already...

It's like LE's back again.
Blights last post says it all perfectly.

People voting based solely on party lines is destroying this country.
I registered independent but when an election comes up I research each candidates achievments and ideas and plans and vote based on that, I dont give a flying F**K what their party is.

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