Dvd Shrink Problem
Well this is a new one. I've already tried reburning and rebooting and re everything. Here's the error I get when I try to load Patlabor vol. 11

Failed to open file blahblahblah\VTS_02_3.VOB

The system cannot find the file specified.

What i'm wondering is why the hell it's looking for a file to open that doesn't exist. I already checked the disc, there is no _3 file. Anyone have any idea why it's doing that. I even tried renaming other VTO files to it to see what would happen but it just can't find the renamed file then. =/
I think I get something similar every time I try to use it with a Yu Yu R1. I can't get them to work. Then again, I haven't managed to successfully burn one DVD since I got my burner like 2 months ago.

I looked at the thread that is on here about it and kinda gave up after that. Something else would go wrong every time I tried to copy or burn a disc. So if you know an answer that could help Ciden, could you also suggest a method, with a mite of detail on how a person new to burning them could go about this, cause I just get confused by the meaning of even the menu stuff and what to do with the files a lot.:o
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I got it to work by re-authoring it but now I lost my menus. So that works but it sucks. =/

And to burn you need 3 programs. First you need dvd decrypter. You can find this on google. Just pop a dvd in and decrypt it, extremely simple. My computer pops a buncha programs including decrypter and I choose it but you may need to manually run the program once the dics is in your computer.

Next you need dvd shrink which you can also find on google, and you also need nero. I suggest downloading Nero off of bearshare. I don't see much sense in paying for a program designed to rip other people off lol.

Once you have ripped the dvds successfully load up dvd shrink. Click on open files. This will bring you to the c drive. Just look for the file your dvd saved to. Usually it's close to the name of the disc like yu yu saves as YUYU_DVDNAME usually. Click on the folder (don't need to double click or anything) then click OK. At this point it should be previewing the files to make sure they are ok. Then all you need to do is click the "Backup!" button pretty much. (put a blank disc in now) If the dvd is big you may wanna uncheck other language options which will save you some space. When the next set of menus comes up click on the burning options to the right and set burning speed at 4x. If you set it higher there is a very good chance the dvd won't burn properly.

Now it should reencode once you press ok and when it is done nero should automatically start burning it at the end once it's done.

P.S. the Yu Yu discs are made with dvd-5 discs. You can just load up Nero for those ones, or you can go through the dvd shrink steps.
I would bypass DVD shrink entirely and use CloneDVD. CloneDVD compresses and burns DVDs on it's own. Every DVD I have burned (which is about 400 or so) at 8x and all work flawlessly. No problems or complications yet.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Shh! Don't listen! She's trying to trick you. The Clone dvd monster has control of her. She just wants to feed to the clone monster more discs!
Just letting Blight know that there are other options out there.

And for the record I am male.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Oh. Um. Might wanna change your avatar to something that's not so girly if you want people to know you're a guy. Just a thought.
A long time ago when I first joined the board I had a wonderful avatar of Masako Nozawa. As things turned out a couple of users actually thought it was a picture of me. It was pretty funny.

My avatar was the second pic on this page:

?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Another thing, when using the internet always assume that you are speaking to a guy unless they tell you otherwise. Even then you should be weary.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Also if you download the full version of Nero and Nero Digital there is a program called Nero Recode 2 which is also made by the guy who wrote DVD Shrink.. Ahead hired them. So if you are going to download Nero you got that as another option.. And clone dvd i just never cared for..
Clone DVD while a wonderful and easy program to use, doesn't work well with already burned / encoded dvdr disks (fansubs)... it copies, but then for some reason the menus don't always work... so for those DVD Decrypter copied and written to the hard drive, then written out with Nero.. saves a lot of headaches in the long run...
Yes, but cloneDVD isn't free, is it? I love DVD Shrink because it's free and good, but I guess everything has their problems. Doom9.net's forums have a whole forum dedicated to "one click solutions" ( which means a LOT of threads on DVD shrink ), so they might already have an answer to your question.
Everything is free on the internet.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
dvd_master Wrote:Yes, but cloneDVD isn't free, is it?

I love the way people in HK forums worry about wether software is freeware or not lol.
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:Everything is free on the internet.
actually Nothing is Free. because it always takes something to get something.

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