Poll: Which do you like better?
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I like the gatefolds better.
24 57.14%
The EZ DVD sets are ok.
10 23.81%
I like the EZ DVD sets better.
8 19.05%
Total 42 vote(s) 100%
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Ez DVD Poll
From what I have gathered in my experience, people that just start collecting HK anime like the Gatefolds, because they are thick and a few sets make their shelf seams fuller, those that have extended collections prefer the new EZDVD sets since they would be able to fit alot more... in more uniform fashion
Lionheart Wrote:Excuse us for not being rich like some people. I don't know if you are rich or not, but have you seen the prices for R1's these days? Most cost at least 30 dollars up, and the sets cost 150 dollars up (your lucky if you can atleast find them under 100 dollars.)

We buy these because we can afford them NOT because we're cheap and we're definitely cheap.

Now I think your the one that needs to shut the hell up.:mad:
I totally agree with you on R1 prices, shit-240 bucks for a 26 part series on 6 dvds? Personelly I liked the older FX gatefold boxes, but from a pratical point of view the amaray cases take up less space on the storage shelf, but since the majority of my collection is composed of hkdvds I guess I really don't care-IT'S THE ANIME STUPID, not the packageing that counts.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?
zrdb Wrote:I totally agree with you on R1 prices, shit-240 bucks for a 26 part series on 6 dvds? Personelly I liked the older FX gatefold boxes, but from a pratical point of view the amaray cases take up less space on the storage shelf, but since the majority of my collection is composed of hkdvds I guess I really don't care-IT'S THE ANIME STUPID, not the packageing that counts.

Yeah I know, but I still like having the art that comes with the gatefolds, but that's definatley not the reason why I buy them.
Animes I Own:

~Read or Die
~D.N. Angel
~Last Exile
~Love Hina
~Onegai Teacher
~Ninja Scroll
I am an extremely cheap bastard, hell i'll wait till i can find a game for 4 bucks till i buy it.

However i don't bitch about my cheap sets because they don't look pretty enough!

And not all companies rip you off. This is my opinion (therefore it is right) but ADV is very consumer conscious, hell there orphen revenge set (23 ep) sells new for 30 bucks!!!

I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's better (and we hate you too)

You are correct about ADV getting better but IMO they have a ways to go.
I put the bad in omen
babyeater0 Wrote:I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im sure the feelings mutual
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
I think that ADV is catching a lot of heat form anime fans for releasing older series at the same prices that the newer are so they dropped the prices.
I love anime-but I still have a life-but not by choice......?

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