Dum Question

OK so this may seem like common knowledge but I was wondering if someone could explain to me what a OVA (oav?) is? I see alot when im shopping for anime and I feel silly asking what it means but I still really wanna know! :confused: so, while i'm asking dumb questions could someone also explain what a perfect collection means? Does it mean that it includes all the espisodes from that series or what!? I really appreciate any answers to these easy questions! :o
Darkeve6 Wrote:Hello!

OK so this may seem like common knowledge but I was wondering if someone could explain to me what a OVA (oav?) is? I see alot when im shopping for anime and I feel silly asking what it means but I still really wanna know! :confused: so, while i'm asking dumb questions could someone also explain what a perfect collection means? Does it mean that it includes all the espisodes from that series or what!? I really appreciate any answers to these easy questions! :o
I'm pretty sure it means it was sold on dvd only (not shown on tv), but then again, hold on I'll go re-read the dictionary term & ewdit this.

Original Video Animation.

Anime that is not aired on TV and can only be seen on VHS/DVD.

Original Animated Video

Anime made only for the video market.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
a perfect collection is the whole thing.

I cant see why anyone would not buy the whole thing Tongue at least not if its only 26 eps long or somn
Cyrus Wrote:a perfect collection is the whole thing.

No perfect collection is R1 ripped (all the episodes, mainly eng/jap dub). Complete collection is all the eps tv/r2 ripped with fansubs or hk subs.
Hey thanks alot for the replies! Makes ready these product descriptions alot easier! Thank you! Big Grin
:confused: Ok back with another question that I am sure everyone else knows but I don't. LOL ok... So what is R1 and R2? Is it like the video quality or something? I mean, I don't like anime that is like... Berserk or Twelve Kingdoms as much as like the bright style of Chobits. Is that R1 and R2 or is it just old school vs. newer series? Im trying to shop for anime alittle better informed! I would just buy everything and find out that way but there is one small problem called money, so I am trying to buy what I mean to, instead of whatever I think sounds good, and then be disappointed.
I just want all the episodes with good picture and the options of eng/jap audio. Thats all! LOL any insight would be great. They need to write a short paper "How to buy the best anime".

Also does anyone know of any "cute" series that I could buy? Like Chobits or "I my me Strawberry eggs" ? I like CCS but the series is too long, and it is for my sister whom I am TRYING to introduce to anime. She loved Chobits. Any suggestions? :o

I know, Im nattering on, but one more question: What type of sub is best? I hear about fan subs and HK subs and all these types of subs... I just want it to be as accurate as possible with as little "english extras" as possible. I hate it when they translate a single Japanese word into an entire English sentence.

I appreciate any answers my questions, and would further appreciate anyone who can offer some suggestions for my sis. So a guide to anime would be great! Cuz' all I know is that I love it!
I think alot of your questions are covered in the faq but I'm bored so I'll help out anyway.

R1/R2 means region 1 or region 2. The world is devided in regions by the dvd player manufacturers. The US is region 1, europe and japan are region 2. European region 2 players can not play american region 1 dvd's and vice versa. Its a trick the movie companies use to fight importing dvd's from other countries. This goes for all dvd's, not just anime. Luckily the dvd's you can buy here at import-anime are region free which means any region dvd player can play these.

Here in the reviews you'll come across R1 and R2 mostly. R1 rips are the best. They have subs and english dubs ripped from the american (R1) dvd's. R2 means its ripped from the japanese dvd's which just have the japanese language track and no subs. So the subs of those sets have to come from somewhere else. Now the HK companies can make their own (which they most often suck at, we call these HKsubs) or they can use (steal) the subs that fansub groups already made. Fansub groups sub the episodes in their free time and put them online for download after they've aired on tv in Japan so us western, non japanese talking people can enjoy the newest anime.

Now always read the reviews of a set before buying and generally the rule is you can't go wrong with a perfect collection. Its always good quality video and subs.

I'm not into cutesy anime so can't help you there.Smile
The cutest anime titles I can think of (besides CCS & Chobits) are:

Azumanga Daioh, Mao-Chan, Panyo Panyo DiGi Charat, Magical Meow Meow Taruto, Fruits Basket, and maybe - if your sister's a little older - Puni Puni Poemy, Mahoromatic, Hand Maid May, Someday's Dreamers, Haibane Renmei (warning: gets very psychological at the end).

All of them are available on R1 and HK DVD. No perfect HK set for Taruto though.
Check out http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews or http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php for more info on each series.
Watch Elfen Lied. It's a cutsy little show with people getting split in half about every 5 minutes. That's not a joke lol.
Cidien Wrote:Watch Elfen Lied. It's a cutsy little show with people getting split in half about every 5 minutes. That's not a joke lol.

I can confirm that as strange as it sounds well it's like that at certian points but later episodes are mostly dark with bodies being torn apart. It's Chobits done rightBig Grin
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

Trade List
R1 Collection
HK Collection
Hey thanks a bunch for your replies. Now I can buy what I mean to, instead of just looking at the picture. LOL. Thanks for the recommendations as well, I copied down your suggestions and will try and order them. Thanks again! Big Grin
Puppet Master Wrote:I can confirm that as strange as it sounds well it's like that at certian points but later episodes are mostly dark with bodies being torn apart. It's Chobits done rightBig Grin

HAHA this is going on my list now. I always wondered what Chobits would be like with people torn apart.
I put the bad in omen

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