Has anyone seen this anime to movie adaption? I have yet to see it.
i hope we will get to see this movie sometime, however in the states its not a mainstream title so we will probably never get a release like the movie apocalypse of devilman which was way better than 90% of this anime crap we are fed these days. if it was an inuyasha or cowboy bebop movie it would be here already. the gay anime to movie titles will always come first i guess.
It's all EVIL!!
I have not seen the live action movie yet, I don't think anyone has any plans to release it in the west but some HK company probably will at some stage. As for Amon Apocalypse...meh it was a waste of time.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
it was a waste of time to you because you didnt raad the manga, all devilma is a good story just shortened for animation. i think you are just a moron. and i bet you have not seen it anyway. apaocalypse of devilman puts all you know to shame.
It's all EVIL!!
I've never seen it, but I know DevilMan the live action movie was ranked the worst movie of 2004 in Japan.
I buy most of my asian films from redsundvd, it's based in Hawaii and offers chinese and japanese films that americans would not hear of otherwise.
I have Devil and I've watched it. There are like two or three cool scenes that last about 1 to two minutes each and thats it. The rest is like watching some lame episode of power rangers that last two and half hours long. If you didn't like amon apocolypse then you'll hate the movie ten times as much and I actually, sort of, in a way liked the amon apocolypse anime.
It's all about the love Wink
Justin, cool down. I have seen the previous Devilman OVA that was made in the late 80's/Early 90's. And I loved it, I thought it was fantastic. I have since then found out alot of info on Devilman (Hence why I even know that there is a Live action one). You are right in that I have not read the manga yet (although I would really like to) but that is because obviously there are no English versions around.

If an english version was released I would buy all 5 Devilman manga in a second (See I even know how many manga there are). As for Amon, yeah I saw it and I own it...but personally for me I didn't really like it. I know that the core story is the same as the the late Mangas, but I didn't like the way it was told or how short it was, just the thing as a whole didn't really sit well with me. That is my personal opinion, I never stated it as fact, so back the hell off and get down from your high horse.

Since when was it illegal for people to have their own opinions? You said you liked it, I didn't try to insult you for having a different opinion than me, so in future I would appreciate the same respect. Otherwise you will be forever branded as a childish dumbass in my eyes and I will ignore everything that you say.

So to sum up, I am a very big fan of Devilman, It is one of my favourite series, however just because I am a fan of something does not mean that I have to like everything associated with it, especially animation adaptations. So in future relax before you go on another crusade please.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan

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