Manga suggestions?
I went to my local chapters and saw they had a pretty impresive selection of manga so I picked upthe first volumes of Kenshin and Battle Angel Gunnm .

Anyone have any suggestions on manga series?
Hey bro,

Can't go wrong with Slayers the stories with Naga hitting on Gourry are funny as hell and I'm vaery parital to Ranma 1/2

Suzaku's note: Fixed a name typo.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Urusei Yatsura is really good. My favorite. Maison Ikkoku and Ranma 1/2 are always good. Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball are a larf. I hardly buy manga because I sit in my comic book shop and just read it. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I second Ranma. The dubbed version is great!
Keep yourself marketable...earn an MBA.
Manga is translated. There is no dub. It's reading material. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Pick up the Ghost in the Shell TPB and see if they have some Blade of the Immortal. They have little trade paperbacks that collect each storyline that are cool. I prefer the full-size, individual comic book issues though, but they can set you back a good chunk of cash to collect them all.

Good luck!
Keep yourself marketable...earn an MBA.
Mugen no Jyuunin (Blade of the Immortal) is one of the best books of all time. If you can't read japanese or just can't find the originals then by all means buy it in english the translation is really pretty good. (a word to the wise if you can read japanese It has NO furigana so make sure you have brushed up on you Kanji Big Grin ). Dragonball is another book that is classic. The viz version is kind of bastardized, but it is a hell of a lot better than the animated show. Once again I will suggest getting the japanese volumes so so so much better. I agree with ranma 100% with ranma very funny book. Once again the english gays out with a flopped only format. Cry Cry Cry Love hina is another great read, but it appears you already know that. Gunsmith Cats is fun. Seraphic Feather is awesome. (don't know much about the english version, but I have it all in japanese and it is great. Lots of action and T&A you can't beat T&A.) Hokuto no Ken (fist ot the North star) is great differs greatly from the show. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head now. I will post some more later. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is some auctions for all of the DB/DBZ manga in Power Point. Though it's in Spanish. I could somewhat read it. :mrgreen:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I dont know how to read japanese but they are tons of french mangas in which there is no english versions.

The bookstore had all the Dragonball mangas plus another version of Dragonball manga which I have never seen before (all in french).
Dragonball is a fairly long manga. It ran for 42 volumes which is pretty long. It has and will be one of my all time favorites forever. One Piece is somthing to look at it is currently at 25 volumes and still going. Manga is my lifeline anime is a wonderful distraction. Big Grin Big Grin 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I read most of the dragon balls manga years ago, One Piece sounds very interesting, gonna ask my bookstore if they can oreder the earlier volumes (I doubt they will)

I'm also gonna pick up the akira manga (fully colored and hardcover). Is it 14 volumes long?
Some of my Dragonball mangas are first editions. I have been reading it for a very long time. :? I went back and re-read some One Piece and you won't be too lost if you get from eight on but I HIGHLY recommend getting it from the start if possible. 8O 8O 8O It is so funny. I think I like it because it reminds me of early Dragonball. Serious and funny all at the same time, and of course huge adventures and fights. So great. 8O 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Excellent, I'm gonna pick up the 8th volume and check it out (its only 8$ US). The Akira books are published by Glenat in 1993
When you get it if you need some backstory on the earlier volumes just tell me and I will post you a quick run down without spoiling much. If you like it check out the anime it is very faithful to the book it does have some filler but it is Toei so that is to be expected. 8O 8O 8O 8O
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Blade of the Immortal is one of the best mangas out in the and Akira, and Lone Wolf and Cub. Some of the best stuff EVER written. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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