dam car troubles
I posted this in a nz forum but ive change the money to $US for this.I posted in a car thread how i was having trouble.This is what has happened so far.There is no doubt about having to get them to fix it or give money back.I was rather pissed off when i wrote this.Hopefully i can find a way of contacting the owner instead of the young pricks they have working there.

Man car place screwed my system install.My car had a leak that we guessed must be the window.
Sucks. I found out what the leak was and it wasnt the window.It was the fricken stereo installers.They fixed the problem and a few other things they screwed up but that still doesnt help that ive had to buy a dehumidifier (car had water above the carpet and it turned out cheaper to get any lingering water behind the dash out with dehumidifier than pay someone to do it) and the mats believe it or not are still drying.The install was a complete balls up.Looking at it with everything out of the car is a disgrace.They wont do anything else either.Dam i should have saved $175 and done it myself but ma wanted it done by profesionals with a warrenty.
Look where that got us.Now im out 280 bucks and a whole heap of my time.I should rip out the wiring and redo it but i dont want to waste even more money on new cabling.
Check out the pics.They didnt seperate the power cable.It should be run on the oposite side of the car to reduce interference(not really an issue but for the price).The cables they used are just some short rca they they have joined and taped together.I paid for cabling extra and they told me they made it up themselves to length, not prebought packeted taped together cables.
The speaker how you can see the little coil.Made them flip it.The cross bar for the boot was rubing on it.How dumb can you get.
They also forgot to rehook up the ABS ground and i had to go back.
So now ive got wet mats,crap cables run wrong.stupid tards.
Oh yeah and the leak was because some dumbass removed a gromet(the rubber thing in the firewall you thread cables through) He then just ran the wire through the hole.That meant the wire was rubing on the metal frame.And that there was a 2-3 inch hole for water to pour through.The gromet was in behind the wheel arch cover.SO for some dick that doesnt know what they are doing it looks like water cant splash up into it because of it being covered.However all the water runnoff for the windows runs down the side of the car through a tube that leads there.Its meant to carry on out the bottom but with the hole it all went into the car instead just missing the computer.Could have been thousand plus if that f*#%ed out.
Wow looks like im going back again,just took pics of the wheel and windscreen and the power cable can actually slide sidways out from guard with bumps(it was in that position which ive tucked behind again for now)Not good.Easy enough to shorten and fix myself but then why pay them in the first place for a job done wrong.
Man i might see if i can get the money back and tell them to take the wires and stuff back.I very doubt they will want that though.They will try to argue it.If they do I should ask them to pay for all the water damage as well.
They would need some heavy compensation to make me happy now.
Im sick of driving round with only one seat and no carpet.

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masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
F***ing pissed is what I would be. There?d be a major ass kicking in their future if they did that to me.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
When having her stereo installed at Pep Boys, my sister ended up with a radio that's speakers constantly disconnect, that did have a perminet power source so it couldn't save memory (such as where the CD/Song was at when you turned the car off), & the blasted radio would static like crazy she she hit hte brakes. Unluckly she has a good buddy that's good with wiring & stuff; It took the "professional" 3 hours. It took her friend 30 minutes to rewire everything.

What is it with people these days -_-
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Batz Kage Wrote:Unluckly she has a good buddy that's good with wiring & stuff; It took the "professional" 3 hours. It took her friend 30 minutes to rewire everything.

What is it with people these days -_-

Like everybody I know and their brother is a car nut (which makes me feel dumb sometimes) so I would never have to worry about stuff like this since three of them have their own garages and one deals in car stereos. It's good to have obsessed friends sometimes.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
It was funny watching the installer after I had my stereo installed in my Subaru. He just stood there pleased with himself because it looked like a factory job. I've never seen an aftermarket stereo fit so well in a car.

It makes me sad that this is my last week with my trusty old Subaru. With my birthday coming up I need to get the emissions done which means that I need to fix the hole in the gas tank (it's on the top so there isn't any problem unless I fill it past 3/4) and the newly developed hole in the exhaust. I love driving the car but I just don't think it's worth the cash to repair it so I'm getting myself a 2001 Corolla to replace it. Not as much fun to drive but it is reliable so I should have it for years to come.

Now I get to think about what stereo to put into my new car... it has the factory CD player in it now but I'm thinking that I want something with mp3 capabilities. I'll have to see what they have for last years models still in stock that suit my needs (and then figure out how to pay for it).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I got pioneer speakers and headunit.I already had a cheap sub i got for about $80 new with an amp.Its just cheap crap and is the weakest link in my system till i find the need for more.Ive had nasty experiences with subs at low freq that you cant hear.My brothers 15 gives you headaches at low volumes.I also got some rca imputs for adding an ipod at a latter date.Thats really the easiest and cheapest option for bulk music.I have a cigarete lighter in between the front seats so ill extend the audio in to there once i get the current mess sorted.
I really like kevlar speakers though and would recomend them.They are real strong and can take a beating, they put out alot of bass.They were also the clearest speaker they had around that price range at the store.
Oh yeah and i need some amps to run the speakers.They go good enough for now so it can also wait.
The headunit is a deh p5650mp
Speakers ts-d690r and ts-d160r
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]

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