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Hey, out of complete curiosity/randomness........ which stores in your shopping mall do you go to most often or which stores are your favorite? I usually go to the following:
-American Eagle (because they gots awesome clothes)
-Finish Line (NIKE SHOX  , and other other cool shoes)
-Abercrombie and Fitch (Cool Clothes)
-Hollister (same reason as above)
-Sam Goody (cause they carry interesting anime dvds that best buy will never carry)
-Walden Books (READ MANGA lol..........i am such a manga junkie )
-Gap (same reason as the other clothes stores)
- and the FOOD COURT! (I always eat at the japanese place, they gots good stuf there ^_^)
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
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I go to usually go to sub pop / rave alternative stores thats why I don't go to the local mall. I don't dress or shop all that teenie bop type stuff.
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game stop, software ect, and ebgames....i have no life
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american eagle, pac sun, journeys, scheels, software ect., and barns and noble
basically the only places i go in when i go to the mall, but then again i rarely go there now.
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I only go to software etc, whatever the bookstore in there is called cuz they often have hardcover tom clancy books on sale for like $6 and Regis hair salon. That's usually it. When I played star wars ccg I went to big nicks sports cards a lot and I used to go to a cool store named sandcastle cuz it had a lotta sculpted stuff and paintings of wolves and such, but they are going out of business
"-Sam Goody (cause they carry interesting anime dvds that best buy will never carry)"
Sam Goody sucks. Their stuff is so overpriced I never bought anything but t-shirts in there. The fact that people in Fargo are mostly cheapasses and that it takes less than 5 minutes to drive somewhere else that sells whatever Sam Goody is selling but for quite a bit less put it out of business. I think their t-shirts sold more than anything lol. Seriously though, how many people are going to pay $17-20 for a cd they can get for $12-15 or a dvd for as much as $10 more than elsewhere? Insane.
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EB games, Suncoast, comic shops, and thats about it. I dont go to malls too often.
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um for me
the comic book shop
best buy
suncoast is ok for checking out new anime but i will never touch anything there even their movies are ussually 30 dollars (wait i did buy one thing there once)
walmart is pretty cool they ussually have good deals on stuff
besides that not really anything else
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Suncoast, Waldon Books, Dillards...that's about it.
I don't fit clothes from the "trendy" shops, so I don't really shop there.
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Comic shops in a mall? That's pretty impressive.
I usually have to go to a stand alone comic shop in a low rent part of town in order to get decent comics.
In the mall I'll check out the food court (mostly for people watching) and head over to EB to see what's on the shelves (it's been a while since I bought anything there). After a while I'll drag my feet into HMV and check out their sales on DVDs (some really good prices at times).
I do like wandering aimlessly through Best Buy and Future Shop but I don't have any malls with those stores in them. They usually stand on their own.
For the most part I stay out of Malls and go to little shops that carry specific things that I want. I like going to a store where I can sit and chat with the owner and they know everything they have in stock because they personally ordered it.
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I only go to Sam Goody because they gots cool anime stuf, but I never really bought anything from there. The only things I ever remember buying from there is: .hack//infection, Weiss Kreuz Vol.1, Suki vol.1, yoko ishida cd, and strawberry pocky. but now I rarely buy anything from there because I usually buy them off ebay now(wayy cheaper)
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
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and yes.......I also go to EB games too, so all of you guys are not alone -.-
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
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Cyrus Wrote:um for me
the comic book shop
best buy
suncoast is ok for checking out new anime but i will never touch anything there even their movies are ussually 30 dollars (wait i did buy one thing there once)
walmart is pretty cool they ussually have good deals on stuff
besides that not really anything else
that must be a huge mall if it has a best buy and a walmart...where is this mall anyway?
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Sketchers for boots and sneakers
gap for clothes
I rarely go to the mall, mostly just go to Austin st in forest hills everything is there
otherwise Gamestop.
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The nearest mall is about 60 something miles away, I go there about 2-5 times a years. I have no need for any of the stores inside, save for
-Babbages, which a few years back turned into a Gamestop, but Brad still works there (I don't know him, just remember him from like 6 years ago).
I used to buy CDs from Hot Topic because they were the only ones who sold the CDs I was looking for, but I got tired of paying the extra 10-30% costs just because they can charge it. Plus having to put up with (and by that I mean not laugh at or poke fun at) their customers & sometimes even their employees.
I sometimes walk into EB Games, but I've hated them ever since I can remember.
The Mall that's about 10 extra miles away has a Barnes & Noble, but it's small as Hell, so I just go to the stand-alone store & spend hours there
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Zagatto Wrote:For the most part I stay out of Malls and go to little shops that carry specific things that I want. I like going to a store where I can sit and chat with the owner and they know everything they have in stock because they personally ordered it.
He took my answer.