Sailor Moon 01 & 02 (AS) -- HELP!

I purchased the dubbed Sailor Moon 01 & 02 sets for my wife believing them to be the entire first and second seasons of the series. Unfortunately, the last 10-12 episodes of R are missing! They're essentially the ADV Reg. 1 releases with 2 US DVDs on each disk, which takes us up to ADV Vol. 12. But Vol. 13 "Time Travellers" and Vol. 14 "Love Conquers All" are missing. I checked eBay, and those two disks sell for between $75-150 USD a pop!! Insane!!

Help! Does the company that released these sets intend on releasing a Vol. 3 containing those last two sets of episodes, or does another company plan to re-release this set with all of the episodes intact?!

If not, does anybody know where I can get ahold of those last two disks without breaking the bank?!
NO one knows thew companies future release plans...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I hope they consider releasing a Vol. 03 that contains those missing episodes. Even if it's an OVA sized release. I'd pay $15-25 USD to have those remaining episodes, and I'm sure those poor folks plunking down $150 on eBay for those episodes would be more than happy to pay it.

Any way to pass the word on to AS? They're missing out on one heck of a business opportunity here. Wink
You can email them but you won't get a straight answer. They'll just say what you want to hear if they respond at all. Don't bother.

Your best bet would be a rental and copy them or try to dl them.

Do they seriously pay $75 for 5 sailor moon eps. on ebay? That's insane.
Since these are the early ADV DVDs (I presume), these are the episodes that were edited and dubbed over by DIC, right?
Travel The Anime Expressway
holy crap batman, he's not kidding..look on wtf..$149.95.

My opinion is check netflix! blockbuster! steal someone elses copy cause it aint worth it....go to toys r us and see if they have a vhs for it lol


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