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Ok here is something that will really blow your guys minds, are you ready? Heres teh deal
I have just been told awhile ago by a girl that she has a crush on me :eek: . As if that
isn't amazing enough, it was through my Hammerdancing as well

. I don't know who
said it, (I think it was either Vicious or R00ster that claimed I couldn't get a girl through
Hammerdancing.) Boy am I glad whoever said that is wrong. Anyway my question is
what do I do now? If any of you guys or girls have advice please give it as I am in
entirely new territory here thanks.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Ok here is something that will really blow your guys minds, are you ready? Heres teh deal
I have just been told awhile ago by a girl that she has a crush on me :eek: . As if that
isn't amazing enough, it was through my Hammerdancing as well
. I don't know who
said it, (I think it was either Vicious or R00ster that claimed I couldn't get a girl through
Hammerdancing.) Boy am I glad whoever said that is wrong. Anyway my question is
what do I do now? If any of you guys or girls have advice please give it as I am in
entirely new territory here thanks.
W00t Ryo

^^Made by Blight
"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
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Sing her a serenade in your parachute pants
I won't give any advice about this since we are just to different. Just meet her at a party or something and be yourself is all I'll give you. Good luck Ryo, you deserve a nice lady.
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i heard a really good quote once about this kinda thing
"Be yourself or else you won't even like yourself" or something like that and it was all about if they don't like you about being different you can at least like yourself and if they like you for being different you won't like yourself so whats the point...
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Hey man, congrats.
I don't know why you were told that your Hammerdancing wouldn't get you anywhere. It's a fact that a number of women judge a guy on how well he moves on the dance floor. If your moves are smooth on the floor and you have the nerve to get up there and do it just because you enjoy dancing then the chances are good there will be women who appreciate it.
Now you're in for the fun part of the whole relationship thing. Spend some time getting to know this girl. Find out what she likes to eat, watch and do. Don't find out by asking her friends. Find out by talking with her.
Try some of the things that she likes that you've never tried before (unless those things include opium and crack... in which case you should run away). Who knows, maybe she digs anime.
The more things the two of you share together then the stronger your relationship will end up being.
My final tip is to not smother the girl. Try to keep your calls to each other about 1:1. Don't call her three times a day telling her that you just saw kittens and they made you think of her. Some girls might like a call like that once or twice but if you call her more often than she's calling you then you're overdoing it and are likely to scare her off. I'm talking from experience here.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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My advice is don't lose this one. She's a diamond in the rough as far as you're concerned. There aren't too many girls out there who are going to like you for your 'hammerdancing' skills.
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Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Ok here is something that will really blow your guys minds, are you ready? Heres teh deal
I have just been told awhile ago by a girl that she has a crush on me :eek: . As if that
isn't amazing enough, it was through my Hammerdancing as well
. I don't know who
said it, (I think it was either Vicious or R00ster that claimed I couldn't get a girl through
Hammerdancing.) Boy am I glad whoever said that is wrong. Anyway my question is
what do I do now? If any of you guys or girls have advice please give it as I am in
entirely new territory here thanks.
I thought you were going to tell us you had won the lotary or something! The fact that a girl has a crush on you isn't that amazing! Geez! It's not like you're the ugliest man on Earth or anything.
I'm not going to give you any advice other than "be yourself". However, I'd like to know one thing. Are you interested in this girl at all? 'Cause if you're not then don't go out with her simply because she's the first girl to have a crush on you. That'd just be sad.
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well if it works out for you congrats to you
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
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Ryo, My adivce is to go out with her. Female now a day don't make the first move. Unless she ugly like a mofo and you have no interest in her. Then tell her you not looking for a girlfriend and that just want to be friend.
What ever you do. Dont tell her to go sux lemon.
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Pretty much what Vicious said. DON?T let her get away. But don?t stalk her either, can?t have her thinking you are weird. But act like yourself, cause if she has a crush on you, it is for you not any persona you can concoct.
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
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Be yourself, but if you're as obsessed with the hammer as I think you are - don't let her know right away. You can show girls your nerdy side - just don't let them know HOW nerdy you are. This applies to anime or anything else you're really into that may turn girls away. If my girlfriend knew how into anime and games I really am she woulda dumped me for sure.
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i totally disagree with ciden
if she is a keeper she will accept you for who you are obviously you will both have things that you don't like about each other but there is no reason to hide any part of you because you will find the right girl eventually unless you really don't want to have one girl you wanna spend your life with.
Basically the right girl will not be turned away if it's something you reallly into she will either be into it also and if she really is like well you like hammer a whole lot well in that case i can't be with you then screw her i mean seriously there are plenty of fish in the sea
Im just saying if you are looking for a keeper then just wait and someone who matches you will arrive there are girls out there who like hammer dancing as much as you.... well ok i don't know any but there just has to be
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Zagatto Wrote:(unless those things include opium and crack... in which case you should run away)
I find a joint adiction to opiates and crack adiction tend to cement a relationship... Anyway do hold back some stuff geeky or not... It's overwhelming when someone tells you everything about themselves in a short amount of time as alot of people are not comfortable with that.
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Cyrus Wrote:i totally disagree with ciden
if she is a keeper she will accept you for who you are obviously you will both have things that you don't like about each other but there is no reason to hide any part of you because you will find the right girl eventually unless you really don't want to have one girl you wanna spend your life with.
Dude, he's not trying to marry the girl. He'll be happy if he gets a dinner and a movie out of this.
Do NOT show her how big a nerd you are right off the bat. Right now she thinks you're cute nerdy. No need to show her that you're obsessive nerdy.
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You have such a way with words.