This sucks! I am an idiot!
OK, so, my girlfriend convinced me to sleep at her dormroom (at the absolute farthest point away from my dorm on campus), and get up for class when i'm used to rolling out of bed and going 5 ft. to my class (exageration). It was 2 am and before snuggling up for beddy-bye she was setting her alarm. I ultimately decided to sleep an extra hour with her and skip class. I had no idea we had a test that day! Right now i'm on a school club trip and found out yesterday (the day after the test). I've emailed the professor and he's responded twice without shutting me down for sure yet. He's pretty stiff and strict, what do you guys think are the chances?
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
if he is really strict, then not that much, but there is that chance. good luck on that.
[Image: ffc.jpg]
I dunno why, but i always think its kinda weird when people share stuff like this online. Maybe im just a more closed kinda person, or maybe i don't really believe your story is true - or maybe im just too paranoid, i dunno. Sorry, its just weird - sharing a story to complete strangers who know nothing about you, your gf or your life - yet you ask for their advice/comments on a particular subject of your life which they would really know nothing about.

I'm sorry, i think im just in a kinda grumpy mood.
Heh, what was your excuse for skipping class?

Best of luck anyhow..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
animeshop Wrote:I dunno why, but i always think its kinda weird when people share stuff like this online. Maybe im just a more closed kinda person, or maybe i don't really believe your story is true - or maybe im just too paranoid, i dunno. Sorry, its just weird - sharing a story to complete strangers who know nothing about you, your gf or your life - yet you ask for their advice/comments on a particular subject of your life which they would really know nothing about.

I'm sorry, i think im just in a kinda grumpy mood.

I think it's weird too when people share stuff like this. I'm always like "Why does this person think I'd give a damn?" Needless to say that I don't give a damn which is why I never give a response to posts like those.
Vicious Wrote:I think it's weird too when people share stuff like this. I'm always like "Why does this person think I'd give a damn?" Needless to say that I don't give a damn which is why I never give a response to posts like those.
In the words of Ben Franklin; if what you have to say doesn't further the conversation in anyways, then keep your damn mouth shut..

Truely, I mean if you're not interrested at all, then within the first few sentences stop reading, cause guess what, if you're not willing to give your opinion on his personal business, chances are he doesn't give a damn about what you have to say..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Batz Kage Wrote:In the words of Ben Franklin; if what you have to say doesn't further the conversation in anyways, then keep your damn mouth shut..

He was a spry old bastard wasn?t he? Big Grin But your point is sound. I think that since it is people you don?t know and won?t ever see then you can be more relaxed in the things you say and express; that you can be uninhibited because people?s judgments are easily to shrug off if they cause you dissatisfaction.

Any way, haven?t been in this position personally, but if the Professor is a good guy and you haven?t missed that much, you might have a chance. Well, good luck.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:Any way, haven?t been in this position personally, but if the Professor is a good guy and you haven?t missed that much, you might have a chance. Well, good luck.

Or get ready to sign up for that summer class
I would say you have a chance. I've had teachers I swear that had been raised by a brass titted monkies that gave me a little human compassion in the area of grading. So maybe you will get some kind of niceness out of the teacher. I had a teacher for japanese history that gave me a 70 on a very important paper and he gave me a B for the class.
just make out like you had a doctors appointment or something...
and just fill in an appointment card with the details of that day and time as proof
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I think he'll give you another chance. Just keep begging him about it. Don't e-mail him anymore about the subject though. Talking to someone in person goes a long way... and make sure you've got a good made up excuse when you do talk to him. I hope it works out. I bet your girlfriend feels pretty bad... you know what, these are the things memories are made off.. so even if you feel stressed out right now, wasn't it nice to have spent that night with her?
Well, Vicious, i was pretty sure no one would care, but i thought someone might enjoy the suspense, the thrill, and anticipation of the situation. For those people, it's been a day and he has not responded again with a definite no.

Also, this is the craziest thing this weekend since i'm at a conference where we roleplay as EU members and argue about policies. I'm Libor Ambrozek, the environmental minister from the Czech Republic, and i am amongst the majority here who don't give a sh**. Ssome of these international students are hardcore with their drinking Smile

Finally, the GF did feel bad, but it was a wonderful night and morning as is every moment with her...
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
If he dont give u another chance to take the test. Do what they did in GTO. Hire a girl to flirt with the professor. She take her top off and stand next to the professor. U then take a pics. and use it to blackmail him.

Caution: It didnt work in GTO lol
[Image: tenjogoodbad8tv.jpg]

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