Dragonball and Dragonball Z DVD Sets
Hi Guys,
I´ve found some Dragonball and Dragonball Z DVD Sets on Ebay. I´ve never seen them here on Import Anime, so i want to know if they are good or not.

1: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...21431&rd=1 <- Dragonball Episode 1-153 on 24 DVDs

2: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...21442&rd=1 <- Dragonball Z Episode 1-291 on 40 DVDs

3: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...21430&rd=1 <- Dragonball Z Movies on 14 DVDs, but only English Dub ? Anyone knows, if there is a Japanese Dub on it too ?

Are these Sets any Good or Crap ? Tell me about it, please. Wink
Those are really odd. Definitly not MAC. And there is Dragon ball and dragon ball z sets on here check the store. I wouldn't get those sets do they even have english dub?
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List: http://www.import-anime.com/forums/showt...php?t=5548
The dragonbox are the MI dragonball sets. The other two aren't made by major HK companies so i'd stay far far away from them.
I'd stay away too. The movies box is not listed correctly since not all movies have been dubbed in english yet. If a seller doesn't list the correct information I wouldn't buy from them anyway.

If your interested in the movies try the MAC 4 dvd set. Its an awesome collection (as long as they don't press it on dvd5's too :mad: )
Thx for your Help! I have already bought the Dragonball Set. Some Guy bought the Dragonball Z Set from this unknown Company and he said that the Set is actually good. I will contact him and ask him a few Questions. But why the hell has that Set 40 DVDs ? The Set from MAC has only 20 DVDs. O_o So it must be better Quality or something.
Probably because the MAC sets are on dvd9 and these sets are on dvd5 in which case they might be so called mainland china rips (rips made of HK sets sold for even less). Let us know how the quality is ok?
Ok, the Guy told me that the Picture is good, the Sound not so good and the Subtitles have a few Errors. Like misspelling and Engrish, i think. Maybe some Grammar. It´s about the Dragonball Z Set with 40 DVDs. ^^

It sounds like a "normal" HK DVD Release. Wink

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