Well I think this is good news as I like to see new games no matter what console they are on. Although wasn't sakaguchi gone from square before FF10?. If so then wouldn't his departure as opposed to his presence be responsible fro crappy FF games? (Although I thought 8 sucked, but 9 was ok). Anyway, interesting news, if there is anything the new X-box needs its some RPG's.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
I agree one man usually takes the credit, thats just the way it is but its usually because he was the main person behind development and story etc. Sakaguchi has not revealed who he will be working with thats why I said its still too early. The ps2 might have amzing capabilities but its the whole package that counts. In the end the ps2 falls weak where as the gamecube focused solely on things like processing power but since mini-disc format was new the process was not fully realized and worked out, which is why I said the ps3 will definitely have glitches unless sony works its people to death all the way till its reease because its new technology. Anyway everyone has their own tastes and opinoins I only said the ps3 will have glitches because the ps2 had glitches in evrey model till the last two. The cube does fall short in a lot of areas which is why its geared to people who just want fun games like mario etc. But with its potential puts to its limits it can run games like re4, lets wait and see but I think and so does a lot of other people that the ps2 port wont match up at all. M$ and sony are trying to hard to put everything in their systems but I hope Nintendo continues to focus as it is on fun games.

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