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I am sure most of you that play video games have heard of the newly inked contract between Bill Gates and Hironbu Sakaguchi ( excuse me if I miss spelt his name). For those who have not, the contract states that Hironbu (the master and originator of the FF series) will produce two totally exclusive rpg's just for x-box 2 (supposedly being released end of this year). The games will probably be released either late 2006 or early 2007. I personaly am pretty hyped, x-box really needs good rpgs and who better than Mr. Final Fantasy to produce them. What thoughts doust thou denizens of anime think?
P.S.- Don't count on the games ever being released on any other system, unlike nintendo Gates is true to his word. Oh and to any who are happy about re4 being released on ps2 I laugh and fart in your general direction, do none of you realize why the re games are being released on the gamecube, its because ps2 has too weak a graphics processor to properly play the games. re4 will look and play like crap on ps2, hah hah hah!!!
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I'm pretty sure this violates the console versus console rule.
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I agree. I was gonna go of on your fanboy ass but I've done so too often lately and it never results in anything usefull. I'm just gonna go play san andreas, MGS3, DMC3 and gran turismo now.
Ps, this could have become a good discussion if you just left the useless ps2 bashing out.
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Come on I was only pointing out that the ps2 can't prperly run the resident evil games that were released on the gamecube. Forget what I said about the coments and just reply to my question. I would like this thread to last.
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Oh and I am sorry if it violates the console vs console that was not my intention. I don't see how but I have not read that thread. What does everyone feel about the contract between Gates and Sakaguchi???
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You know 10 years ago I would have given a crap, now I don't, that's what I think.
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it's sad because i doubt the games are going to be very good.
lets look at this
games lately made by squaresoft and it's team and the team of enix
final fantasy x
Good points:
great story and cool leveling system (in my oppinion)
Bad Points:
hardly any monster variation
no world map
too easy
and there are more
basically the story and lvl system are the only things that were really good
ok lets look at star ocean 3
Good Points:
Battle system
Map layout was kinda cool
Item synthesis (blacksmith etc)
bonus stuff all good
Pretty much everything but one thing
Bad Point's:
CRAPPY STORY ruining game for the most part
Final Fantasy 11
Good points
World of FF
Bad Points:
Boring repetive
crappy options
would be ok if it wasn't pay per month and didn't require the HD to play
No real purpose
FF x-2
Good points:
Good battle
special Dungeon is kinda cool
little bit of replay value
Creative use of only girls
Job classes
lots of good stuff just like Star ocean 3
Bad Points:
no map
boring and repetive
so as you can see the latest games coming out from that company and yes i played and beat them all cept ff 11 which you kinda can kinda can't beat it is MMORPG.
They were all pretty bad
FFX was fun but only cus the story and characters are so cool as far as FFX-2 FF 11 and Star Ocean 3 They all kinda suck especially FFX-2 and FF 11 Star Ocean isn't bad if your not expecting an amazing story cus besides that it's really good
So yeah basically all im saying is i doubt the next games will be very good.
If they are i will be surprised because all the RPG's coming out lately have kinda sucked from what i have played although im liking suikoden 4 so far
But check out my good PS2 rpg's for the most part there are like 10 and thats all the good ones.
So yeah thats all
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He'll make games for the next gen. so untill we have more info about them speculating about the games is a little too early. For all we know ps3 will be the most powerfull console :p
But seriously, I don't care about the systems. Its all about the games and if he can make good games I don't care for who he does it (although I do have a preference). But there is a downside to him going to m$ because the expectations will be so high that it will be hard to make everyone happy no matter how good the game. Remember Fable?
Ohh, and don't worry about square-enix, they have enough talent left to fill the gap and the ff license is still theirs which in terms of sales equals ten Hironbu Sakaguchi's .
Lets hope he'll make some good and truelly original games. Its been a while since that happened in rpg land.
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Hironbu did say that they will be totally original games. As for systems who knows. Microsoft has plenty to work with since computer technology is updated every six months by the time x-box 2 is released it could be quite powerful. I have doubts about PS3 since its totally new technology there is a lot of ground to cover and it could have lots of glitches like the ps2. Anyway, the same team does not work on every FF or every square-enix game either but Sakaguchi is well known for doing great and original work, he said that he will make each game totally seperate and they will be nothing alike. Considering that a game like Chaos theory can be released on the first xbox anything is possible for the next one, I mean have you guys seen the movies and stills from that game totally awe inspiring.
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Yeah, Cyrus pretty much summed up everything I told to my Xbox playing buddy when he came to me with the good news. I was like, you know, to me the series sucked past 9, so chances are, the new ones will suck even harder...I feel sorry for Gates...
Which means I'll be super p-o'd if they get an actually good FF game 
Which if it's all original that means no FF, meaning they'll finally stop abusing the name to sell the crap they've been making.
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Cyrus Wrote:it's sad because i doubt the games are going to be very good.
lets look at this
games lately made by squaresoft and it's team and the team of enix
You forgot one.
Dragon Quest VIII:
Good points: Everything.
Bad points: Life consuming.
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They arent going to be FF they are going to be original but well just have to wait for more news. Oh and the series sucked past 7 you forgot the uselessness of 8 and 9. I have faith in Sakaguchi you cant just focus on games you didnt like. He is responsible for FF 1-7 too which were all great. Obviously a lot of games they have been making have been more directed to the Japanese audience. The weird story lines, just look at a lot of anime and Japanese movies youll find similar weird story lines, also the J-pop and characters looking more and more Asian. But with the games being xbox only and xbox not being hugely popular in Japan the new games will probably be more universal. I think it was probably a bit too early to talk about this topic anyway.
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I just read on a dutch site (so no link guys) that he will get total freedom from M$. Infact the contract is so loose that its totaly possible for the games to be released on other consoles aswell. There's no cluase that bindes the games to xbox alone. Lets wait and see.
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Wow I did not hear about that, Sakaguchi himself said that these games will be on the xbox2, but its too early to know the full truth of the matter so well just have to wait and see.
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geo85 Wrote:I am sure most of you that play video games have heard of the newly inked contract between Bill Gates and Hironbu Sakaguchi ( excuse me if I miss spelt his name). For those who have not, the contract states that Hironbu (the master and originator of the FF series) will produce two totally exclusive rpg's just for x-box 2 (supposedly being released end of this year). The games will probably be released either late 2006 or early 2007. I personaly am pretty hyped, x-box really needs good rpgs and who better than Mr. Final Fantasy to produce them. What thoughts doust thou denizens of anime think?
P.S.- Don't count on the games ever being released on any other system, unlike nintendo Gates is true to his word. Oh and to any who are happy about re4 being released on ps2 I laugh and fart in your general direction, do none of you realize why the re games are being released on the gamecube, its because ps2 has too weak a graphics processor to properly play the games. re4 will look and play like crap on ps2, hah hah hah!!! Haha i am late to this thread but all i got say..
Gates keeps his word? LMFAO .. yea right.. lets say "Secure Computing Initiative" yea like that has done any good..
And 2nd you don't know anything about the ps2 and other systems.. The RE games where put onto the Nintendo because Nintendo signed an agreement to have them an exclusive.. to try and push the gamecube.. Many companys do this.. when exclusive's are lost is when they don't turn enough sales and then the company's push them out onto other consoles.. I know a few of these that has happened.. where xbox only and then all of a sudden where Ps2 and GC. Another thing because you compare just numbers you first gotta know what they mean and what is inside of the systems.. just like RISC and CISC processors they work differently just because one has higher MHZ doesn't mean it will out perfrom the others.. (Anyone every remember Alpha chips?)
But don't blantly say things will suck just because of a system.. the Ps2 has probably one of the most Unique GPU and is the only 128bit one in any of the systems.. The only time you can talk about if it will look like crap is when the game is actually out.. but before then don't talk anything.. Also don't talk anything about next gen systems because there is still alot unknown.. and even with the next gen we can still get the same shit games that we are getting now.. well least IMHO no game coming out as of lately has interested me ever so slightly.. well RE4 *Grins*.
And onto your main question.. Now i ask for the rest of the facts.. Will he be working with his own development team.. or will he be assigned bunch of people by microsoft?
a game isn't made just by the designer its made by the whole team you have working on the project.. Not only that but management.. If management pushes a game too fast then it won't be as good as if they truely give them time to make it right. there is and always will be more to a game then just 1 guy.. but thats what i hate. generally only 1 guy gets the credit. for the work of many others..