8 anime auctions REALLY CHEAP!! HUGE STEALS!
Well selling off some anime as usual... I marked them down more then usual so the deals will go fast. Check them out!

AnimeFan0077 Wrote:Well selling off some anime as usual... I marked them down more then usual so the deals will go fast. Check them out!

1. Those really aren't that great of deals...actually they're kind of a rip-off.
2. No one cares about your Ebay shit.
3. Stop using these forums just to advertse your Ebay shit.

Miserable bitch :mad: .
[Image: 4c1.jpg]
^^Made by Blight

"If teachers were paid more, we'd be able to afford better drugs." -Eikichi Onizuka
4. You list bid prices LOWER than buy it now.
5. That's not cheap since their used
6. Get a life

[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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