I just got some new anime and I can't decide to watch first. Here's the list:

Rayearth OVA


Vampire Princess Miyu

My dilemma is this. I have seen most of Rayearth in English, all except the OVAs, so I'd

have to watch the OVA's in English and then watch it the whole series from beginning to

end in Japanese with subtitles. Escaflowne I have only seen what was on UPN, the last 3

eps, and the movie. I have ssen nothing of ampire Princess Miyu however. So I know that

Escaflowne and Rayearth will be good, but I am also interested in finding out about

Vampire Princess Miyu. Which do you thik I shold watch because, well I knoe this is

probably an idiotic thread but I am torn with indecision here. Please help. Thanks
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Vampire Princess is pretty good. Dark anime with a new villian of the day for each episode. Develops into a bigger story later on.
As for Rayearth and Escaflowne, well, go with whatever you like first. Since you've seen most of Rayearth, why not just watch what you have not seen yet?
Go with Escaflowne, Vampire Princess then Rayearth.
Vampire Princess I sold to a friend for $10 after watching 3 eps cuz it sucked. Havn't seen Rayearth and Escaflowne is pretty good, especially if watched in Japanese. The english dub is watchable but it's not very good. There are a lotta crappy VA's is escaflowne.
watch escaflowne just cus if you don't like it you can trade it to me Tongue lol

id say escaflowne though cus it's supposed to be awesome
Just finish off Rayearth but be warned Vampire Princess is really slow and can get really boring Sad

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