Hotmail Sucks!
I'm pissed at hotmail right now. It's been about 1 month since I signed in and they deleted my account that i've had for like fucking 8 years. Every saved email, every saved email address for people I havn't talked to in a while - GONE. Bastards. 30 days is bs to delete an account reguardless of how long it's been active.... you'd think after 8+ years they'd figure I was gonna keep it!
ugh. what a crock. deleting an account after 30 days is ridiculous. I can see deleting an account after 6 months, but not 30 days. that sucks.
It's a policy that they had for quite awhile -- you have to check in at least once every 30 days, or your e-mail account gets deleted.

I also have a Yahoo e-mail account that I had the last 3 years -- and never used. And it still exists today.
Travel The Anime Expressway
You'd think they'd at least warn you or something. 30 days seems like a really short time span. What if you just didn't have internet access or something? Or were in the process of moving? There are alot of circumstances that could KEEP you from accessing your email.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
that really sucks.
wait, i have hotmail, so i better check my mail at least once a month then.
[Image: ffc.jpg]
Yahoo is soo much more better for the "infrequent user" i know people who dont check there accounts for months and have had them for years!
though i still Hotmail but just for MSN messenger
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I love my Gmail account... anyone here want one?
Just send me an email at [email protected] and I'll hook you up... I've still got 5 invites left.

As for Hotmail... I guess this is just another way to show how Microsoft has earned their M$ moniker. If you pay for their e-mail then you don't have to worry about losing your account.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I've pretty much switched over to gmail myself, bud if I had known something like this coulda happened I woulda forwarded all my important emails over....

I just lost emails from good friends I hung onto for like 5-6 years.... bastards.
they must of just changed there policy since i always take forever to log back into hotmail and i mine is always "suspended" not actually deleted.. But then again i have like nothing in it either which i would pay attention to.. and i also have 6 google invites send email to [email protected] if yea want one.
Ack i just checked i know have 50 invites for Gmail.. guess they really have expanded who they want to do testing..
There was something going on with ebay and hotmail account problems too. Sometimes hotmail people don't get messages from buyers/sellers. Maybe some sort of block or something. I had that problem contacting a buyer w/ a hotmail account.
I've had my hotmail account since... hell! i can't even remember. I check my email like 20 times a day though, so i never need to worry about it shutting down.

That sure does blow though. And 30 days is a crappy time span. I thought it used to be 60?
[Image: 468x60_gumgum.gif]
I know it used to be longer than 30 days (which is the main reason i'm so pissed) because i've left it for more than 30 days before when i've gone on a long vacation.
Schultz Wrote:Ack i just checked i know have 50 invites for Gmail.. guess they really have expanded who they want to do testing..
I just got 50 as well.
I just checked and I've got 49 left... doesn't sound like they're discriminating too much any more.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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