Check out this ebay auction!
Hey, I was surfing Ebay for anime and came across this, I would get it but I already have most of those anime titles, thought i would just post it here so maybe someone can take advantage of this killer deal!
It's a good deal considering Azumanga Daioh is Region 1, but it's not an amazing deal. The rest of it is HK sets and none of the other anime titles are that great. I'm sure it will get up to $140 with 4 days left and already 3 bidders. I prefer just wait for FX version of AD instead of paying 140 for it and everything else other then Azu Dai I already own.
Anime Want To Buy / Sell / Trade List:
I accidentally double posted, in the gerneral disscussion fourm my internet is very slow (56k) and i didnt know that entry went through, I removed the double, sorry about that.

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