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next gen. decission
I was wondering who has already decided which next gen. console they are going to buy? Kinda like a loyalty test to see if it still exists like it did with the nes/sega days.

I have already decided to buy ps3 regardless because the previous sony consoles have not disappointed me and I keep catching myself saying I can't wait for ps3 without even thinking about xbox2 or the Nrevolution.
If I do get one of them it will be PS3 based on the PS2, The X-BOX, and The Gamecube. This is not a loyalty thing though at all never was even with Sega against Nintendo I had both. But more of a matter of past experience based on the games since I never play my X-BOX and I don't own a GameCube and the reason for both is that most of the games for those systems I have little to no intrest in. So yeah PS3 based on that....
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I think its a tad early to be deciding on what you are going to buy when we know nothing about the consoles and more importantly the games. Otherwise its just fanboys rambling on and arguing with each other.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
It all depends on the games, but if PS3 go the way of the PS2 with awsome games and lots of them, then ill be going with the PS3.
Why only one? I plan on getting all three this consoles this generation as long as backwards-compatibility is on them. By the way, for all the people that are like ?Well Next-Box won?t have it, cause they will be changing technology.? check out this link about QuickTransit. http://www.transitive.com/technology.htm

As for which I?ll get first, that will depend a lot on price point, release date, and launch titles. If you are smart, you won?t blindly pick the one you want biased on this generation with out at least checking your options.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
i think i will probably get a Ps3 and Revolution.. Don't know about Xbox Next . Just a little info for those that know or don't know.. (or if i make some mistakes please correct me this is all from memory)

Ps3 - I think little is known but it will run about 4 Cell processors i just read that 1 cell processor will run at 4.6ghz or maybe all 4 combined? It will also have Nvidia graphics processor i belive haven't read that it will be backwards compatable which would kill sony if it wasn't.

Xbox Next - I don't know much about this besides that it will be using Power PC processors i guess modified G5's and will have 4 of them inside it. They have talked about removing the harddrive and using some solid state memory for cheap. (Which solid state have limited read and writes making these go bad?) It will also be going with ATI for its graphics processor.

Nintendo Revolution. Honestly besides the post that Last Exile write i know nothing about this system. [i] I belive that i will use a PowerPC based processor again as it used in the GameCube and it will Use ATI as its graphics processor as it did in the Gamecube. I guess they said it will be backwards compatable with teh GameCube

Ok the rest is just brief information i have read. It can and probably is wrong since i skimmed over the whole report about Cell processing. So until i find the link to the site with the acutal info its just here in case you know something about it please add..

Ok now onto a different subject. I will find the link again but i read things about the Cell processor how it might actually change computing not only in home consoles but actually in PC's also. Because i read how sony could create a board to put into your PC and with software shifting the processing over to the Cell processor you could turn your computer into a Ps3 gaming machine possibly. Also motherboard manufacter's can put some Cell Processors which are going to be cheaper then regular processor and then can build a system with a slow x86 software but have processing shifted over to the Cell processor to get awesome performance making having to buy expensive processors from Intel or AMD obsolete. But thats if that will catch on or not. Again let me find that article.

Found http://www.blachford.info/computer/Cells/Cell0.html
If i have misread / wrong ideas from that article please correct me i read it when it first appeared and now everything was said outta memory and not actually reading it again..

Also things in Italic is all my person thoughts / opinions not facts.. So don't argue them.. just give what you think about them.

Also here is some links to that site posted about the cross binary stuff

And from reading i don't think they ahve actually released anything to do it.. So some condier it vaporware. like other things.

I dislike Microsoft joinnig the console wars or whatever..-_-
Nintendo lost me about mid-life of the 64, cause I moved onto a PSOne.

Also, I hate the controller to both systems, & don't care to buy the XBox controller that they tried to make look like a PS2 controller, nor do I want to waste money on one of those things that let's you use one controller on another system, if they even exsist, cause I've never seen one in a magizine or anything, just heard by word of mouth (which in this town isn't really reliable).

There's only been like 3, maybe 4 games that came out which I wanted to get, but they weren't on the PS2..
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
Ps3 is a given .Out of the other 2 ill wait and see if i want one.Probably not for a year or 2 after release though.I might get a revolution if a friend can hook me up with one cheap n(his father in law works as manager for nz distribution)But it really is to early to tell.From what ive read all the consoles are meant to be pretty equal in terms of power.I guess with gdc approaching we'll hear from microsoft and come e3 probably the others.
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
All 3 like i did the first round.
also they probaly wont be out at the same time so it will be easier to get them all i hear the reveloution out Aug. 05' Xbox Next X-mas 05' and PS3 winter 06'. so they are going to be easy to buy for us gamers that cant choose just one.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I'll be buying all 3 assuming I have enough to buy them. Eventually I will have them all. PS3 i'll support, xbox2 i'll most likely buy for halo3 and a few other titles, and i'll be pulling for the revolution. I love Nintendo, but they have made some extremely bad decisions lately. I hope they've learned. They've slowly but surely been heading the right way. Hopefully the "leak" from Nintendo will be true and it will have built in online play. Think that will help boost the system a bit.
I'll probably get the PS3 and the Revolution both. Revolution comes first though. I still

think it was unnecessaruy of Microsoft to join in the Console Wars. To me the only good

use of an X-Box is Firewood. Enough said.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
I'm mostly an import gamer so X-Box or Microsofts systems and games in general just have no appeal to me personally. So I'll probably get PS3 first and later get the Revolution.
I will definitely get the Sony and Nintendo systems, but will probably hold off on the next Microsoft machine for a while. If they do implement backwards compatibility, I will get it sooner though. I don?t really like Microsoft?s machine this generation because their main selling point is Halo and that is the single most overrated game ever. But if backwards compatibility is used, I will get it for some of the games that were exclusives like KOTOR and Panzer Dragoon Orta. I just didn?t see enough I liked to bother with it right now.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
May as well just buy KOTOR on the pc...

Faster loading times and you get a satellite or something you can go to and buy crap at.

XBoX has some pretty good exclusive games... problem is they don't remain exclusive for long. Even Halo eventually came out on PC. Basically if you have a decent PC and don't mind waiting getting an xbox is pretty pointless.
Cidien Wrote:May as well just buy KOTOR on the pc...

Faster loading times and you get a satellite or something you can go to and buy crap at.

XBoX has some pretty good exclusive games... problem is they don't remain exclusive for long. Even Halo eventually came out on PC. Basically if you have a decent PC and don't mind waiting getting an xbox is pretty pointless.
Halo was built for the PC in the first place and Microsoft paid to have it as a Exclusive for the Xbox launch. And they just then "Delayed" the PC version for a long while. I have read anything though are they going to put Halo 2 on the PC or keep it Xbox only?

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