Have You Ever Walked Out During a Movie?
Well first I asked what everyone thinks the worst movie of all time is in their minds. Now heres another question that prove intresting or it may not. Have you ever literally walked out of the theater during a movie because it was so bad? If yes what movie was it?

Personally ive seen a lot of people walk out of a movie theatre [South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut] but though ive been extremely tempted I never have.
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I did once during Traffic with my mates... It just seemed so boring but I watched the dvd and thought it was quite good. Ever since then I make a point of sitting through a movie no matter how bad as I think you can't truely rate a movie till you watch it the whole way through. I occaisonly switch off a dvd but i'll try make a point of going back and watching it again when I feel less bored...
I walked out of the remake of Psycho movie... it was either walking out or falling asleep...

movie I almost did walk out and should have walked out of: Kill Bill Volume 2.. what a piece of shit that was..
i've never actually walked out of a movie before, but i can say i slept through some, hahaha............
but in the end i wait till it comes out on dvd and try to watch it over again, hoping i don't repeat the same, hahaha Big Grin
titanic is one of my example, it was alright, the beginning was so dull and boring.
[Image: ffc.jpg]
JunkieJoe Wrote:I walked out of the remake of Psycho movie... it was either walking out or falling asleep...

movie I almost did walk out and should have walked out of: Kill Bill Volume 2.. what a piece of shit that was..

Psycho movie is understandable. Kill Bill 2 :eek: . Excelent movie. It had so many moments that my jaw hit the floor, so many twists and turns and it was totaly unpredictable (eye popping, bureal, her daughter, her getting shot= jaw dropping moments). Thats what I liked most about that movie. Whenever you thought you had figured out what is going to happen next the plot turns again. Only slight bad part was the ending 'fight' (but one of the best parts was the dialogue leading up to the 'battle'). Still, it was not the ending everyone expected, not original but definetly unexpected.

Well yeah, I enjoyed it Big Grin
Kill Bill 2 was very very bad... the dialogue was horrible, the twists were predictible, but thats not what my issue with the movie was, my issue was the boring dialogue, the camera angles, the close up of camera to that stoned pimp, the dialogue of that pimp, so long and so useless, added nothing to the progression of the plot... was very disapointed..

I went back and watched a few of Tarantinos other films again, and came to the realization that they suck... he uses and re-uses his "monologues" so much it becomes anoying... same movie different actors... guess it was cool when i was younger but I think I matured somewhat and I do not get (cant think of another term here so will saySmile brainwashed as easily...

Tarantino should stick to buying rights to HK films, sticking his name on it and releasing it here like he did with "Hero"

his only film that does not suck is "From Dusk til Dawn" but I am affraid that that movie is not his, he just bought rights to it and put himself in there... if you watch his other films, that movie is nothing other stuff he did (no monologues!)
JunkieJoe Wrote:I went back and watched a few of Tarantinos other films again, and came to the realization that they suck... he uses and re-uses his "monologues" so much it becomes anoying... same movie different actors... guess it was cool when i was younger but I think I matured somewhat and I do not get (cant think of another term here so will saySmile brainwashed as easily...

I love his films but I see what you're saying... I got taught about it in a film class I had. When he first came on to the scene his films were a break a way from the usual 'try and show it rather than say it' school of thought... Now everyone has copied him and his dialogue heavy scenes they get a bit tiring... Things are going the other way though now, has anyone seen Birth?! Where was the dialogue!
I left during the titanic. I went with my parents to see it when I couldn?t drive so I just walked around and goofed off and found a place to eat until it was over. I think my body might have induced a seizure for entertainment if I stayed there much longer.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
Blight Wrote:I left during the titanic. I went with my parents to see it when I couldn?t drive so I just walked around and goofed off and found a place to eat until it was over. I think my body might have induced a seizure for entertainment if I stayed there much longer.

Blah that does remind me of the times I walked out forgot about those. During 2 crappy Star Trek movies with my dad and more than any other time during What Dreams May Come I could not sit through that and neither could my brother...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I thought the movie was full of memorable moments (come on, the eye poping was cool AND unpredictable). I will say I liked it a hell of a lot more the second time I saw it, don't know why. I still love his dialogues and think part 2 was way better than 1 on that subject.

I can't see how you think all his movies are the same. Only similarity is they all revolve arround crime and some form of gangsters. Tarantino might not be the most versatile filmmaker but in his genre he's the best IMO. Pulp fiction is my all time favorite and those dialogues and the ones in Reservoir dogs are some of the best I've ever seen, certainly the most memorable for me. JB was a let down but still an original movie and also had some memorable moments.

But I would like to see an explanation of why you think his movies are all alike? What are the annoying similarities for you? RD, PF and JB are nothing alike a far as the story goes and KB is even a different genre?

Also Gubi, you say he's been copied. Do you have a succesfull title for me to check out? One that compares with the style of his movies? All i can think of is memento (which is excelent btw).
Guy Ritchie's films spring to mind of having a Tarantino style... Tarantino's films aren't all the same but the way his films work are. You may not notice but nearly all his characters are 'borrowed' from other films, in whole or in part. The Christopher Walken character in Pulp Fiction (you know with the watch) is the same story the character had in The Deer Hunter. Sonny Chiba in Kill Bill is a decendant of Hattori Hanzo the character from Kage no Gundan. Even dialogue is directly copied from films. His films are just a pure postmodern mix mash of all the films he has watched and loved. I like it but alot of people think it is pure plagiarism.
I had the understanding that Kill Bill is a tribute to all the kung fu movies that Tarantino grew up loving. The whole scene with the Crazy 88 was wonderfully over the top. I loved watching Hanzo in the bar.

I guess it's a fine line between tribute and rip off. My feeling is that Tarantino contributed enough new material to qualify as a tribute and I enjoy watching his movies.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I have never walked out during a movie, I guess its probably because I tend to know a decent amount about a film before I see it so I make sure its the kind of film I would like before going to see it. So I don't really watch crap films in the cinema, plus even if I did, having paid in I would wait it out to get my money's worth
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
Heh... this is funny... I was telling my roommate about this thread and he told me of a movie that he and a friend walked out of (sorry, I don't remember the title). The only problem is that he still was kind of curious to find out how the movie ended so he went back without his friend and watched it by himself (it ended up being even worse than they had originally thought when they walked out). So he ended up paying for a horrible movie two times.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I've never walked out on a movie. I only go to the theater to see films I want to see.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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