[Dvd Trade List]- Kiruyuki ^_^
sort of a big update. added 2 more eps of Mahou sensei negima and some r1s and some anime merchandise.... ^^
what is kanon about? it is based on the hentai game (i've only heard about it, never played it) or the manga by saito chiho?
Removed some items, and added some items.

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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
I am intrested in buying:
25. Ragnarok Detective Collection- Animation Video
20. Hellsing Collection- Manga International
32. Full Metal Panic Perfect Collection- MI

& I have some questions Tongue
-Do you accept money aswell as trades? And do you accept paypal?
-How much would these come to? Including postage to UK
-What type of box do they come in?
-What languages and what subtitles are on each one?

Sorry for so many questions Tongue ^o^
Ragnarok Detective and Hellsing are both in Japanese with english/chinese subtitles. All of these dvd sets are in GateFold cases or digipak style. Full Metal Panic is in english/japanese with english subtitles. Together, the cost would be approximately 50 dollars +9 dollars shipping. The hellsing case has some wear in it, but it looks fine with the slip case on. Hope this answers your question, If you have any more questions feel free to PM me or you can contact me by AIM. My username is Ryuzeki. Cya soon!
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
Hi again! I am looking for blank cd-rs and cd-rws(preferable). I am looking for at least 50 cd-rws. I'll pay by paypal or I can trade the dvds on mylist for them. we'll try to worksomething out so it can be a reasonable trade ^.^
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
Oooh.. how much would just Full Metal Panic and Demon Detective Ragnarok be then?
40 dollars/ including shipping ^.^
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
I will buy those then =D
lovett003 Wrote:hi!
what is kanon about? it is based on the hentai game (i've only heard about it, never played it) or the manga by saito chiho?

Here is some info on Kanon , I love the series so I would recommend it =P
HERE IS A SPECIAL FOR TRADE ONLY! IF YOU TRADE A BOXSET FOR ONE OF MY BOXSETS. I'll give you any item of my list (excluding the r1 sets) of your choice for free......... i am doing this to free up my shelf space. So hurry. This offer is VERY limited! I will end this offer on monday.
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
Removed items, added the last episode of Air which completes the series. Added 2 more episodes of mahou sensei negima!!
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
updated, removed some stuff. added a boxset
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
HUGE UPDATE! ADDED a lot of titles. Pm me if u have questions about some of the dvds. Big Grin
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~
anybody have Kanon for trade?
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~Romance in the Scent of Summer~

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