Are these DVDs editted?
I recently read on another site that they have two versions for some of their anime, one is specifically made for the US audience giving it a R or PG-13 rating so more people can buy it. Yet then there is the original version that is completly unedited and uncut and these are usally placed in the adult section of their store.
My question is are these DVDs at import-anime the real originals or just the US made versions and if I am buying a anime title in a store like Bestbuy or whatnot how do I know if it is the original and not cut and editted just to get a lower MPAA rating.
Generally (or always not sure) the uncut versions that are released on HK. Take Yu Yu Hakusho for example. There is a cut and uncut version in the U.S.. You can only buy the uncut HK.
If you get an sub only release (r2 rip or tv rip) I think its always uncut unless they release edited versions of anime in Japan but I don't think so. If its a set ripped from R1 than it depends if the R1's were edited.
Are the FX and MAC titles that are sent here editted or uneditted versions.
Post which sets your interested in and we'll take a look. As I said before, if its a set with english dub. it depends if the R1's were edited or not. It are exact copies of the R1's.
redder88 Wrote:Are the FX and MAC titles that are sent here editted or uneditted versions.

Edited versions dont normally have Japanese audio so take a look and see which sets do and don't. The only edited kind of thing I can think of that you might be talking about is DBZ or something? There's an MAC Yugioh set that's dub only so that WILL be edited... Most of the market for HKs aren't people who want cut shows so chances are they are going to want to appeal to that and not sell them... They are going to rip what is the best available and if the R1 is cut then as stated above so will the HK but if there is two then they arn't going to rip it...

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