EverQuest 2
Is there anyone on the forums but your host JunkieJoe and myself playing it? Currently JunkieJoe is lvl 27 Necromancer Woogy and myself's char is lvl 29 Berserker Skik. we are both playing on the Unrest server. Just wondering if anyone else is playing.. Also my wife's playing and she has lvl 15 Cleric Akillya (i think is how she spells it).
I wondered when you would post this, i talked to your wfe when she was playing this. i tried it at a friends but i cant play it yet not enough memory. when i do get the money to get some ill get on and play. the new game looks sweet alot better then the past game, i played that for a while and got sick of it.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Well this game plays alot different as in its majorly Quest based.. Plus if you don't know alot of things and level too fast then you kinda of stuck because you can't go back to get a few low level quests. Since stuff you need mobs drop and once a mob is grey to you. You no longer get chest drops which could give you something for the quest. Also there is more things that you can do without being required to level. You can be lvl 10 in the game but become a lvl 50 Artisan if you wanted.. IMHO its very much diversed then the first one.
Hey, Hey...My character is a Level 16 Cleric...half way to 17. I'm about to take a long...4 month break from EverCrack2 any way.
is everquest enny good ???? :confused:
I actually can't answer that..
All i can say is that i am enjoying it and having fun playing it. But you may be different. I think the best part is i been playing with people i know so that makes it enjoyable.

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