yep its another where can i find this thread
ok i've been looking for an anime called zillion i remember that when i was a kid. Been meaning to find it preferabley on dvd but i can't seem to find it or for that matter any info regarding it there must be something out there
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
That can be tough, I don't know how old you are but anime from when I was a kid was not well cared for. I watched a video called "Goldwing" non stop when I was five, then spent a few years trying to find it near the end of high school. I would search useing any bit of info you remember. Title, characters, memorable quotes, a line from the theme song. Theres a good chance that if you can't find any info on it that it had it's name changed before it got to you, and the company responsable is gone. Try finding the sort of people who compile books about anime and old cartoons and see if any of them can help you.
Think I found it. Boy that was fast. Either there are more than one anime with this title, or you didn't even try. Unless you are just really bad at that sort of thing. Granted, by it I don't mean a DVD, only info about the series.
i did find some info mind you about the story and characters and stuff but i was looking for some way to download buy or find any of the episodes aside from getting the vhs tapes
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^

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