Poll: Do you spot check your HK dvds for errors?
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Do you check your bootlegs for errors?
I realized that I had created a sort of ritual everytime I get a new order of HK dvds. I sit down, look at each disc carefully under light, and then pop it in and make sure it loads properly (I eject it and retry it about 3 times to make sure) and then I fast scan through the whole disc because that usually can find any skips or messy spots. Does anyone else have an 'error checking ritual' that they do when they get a new batch of HK anime dvds?

How do the rest of you check your dvd's for playability issues?
For HKs or R1s I usually just throw them in the machine and press play. If I've heard that others have had problems or if I encounter any of my own I'll scan through to see how bad it is. DVD-rs are a different story, the less professional somthing looks the less I trust it. I just bought Captain N as a Christmas gift and checked the first 3 disks as soon as they came. I still have to look at the last two, but they seem fine so far.
I check each disk, whether HK, R1 or DVDR's.... go to the menu, see how many episodes, go to the first episode, play part of it, check the subs work, check the audio (both if it has both) to make sure it works then chapter skip thru the disk. If there is a problem, it is going to show up usually on the 2nd layer which is halfway or more thru the disk... (it won't access) and to check to be sure all the episodes are there. Only problem with this is my Panasonic player usually plays anything... laugh... so it may or may not work in my Samsung... but then I still have an Apex to fall back on....
Lucky you have so many dvd players!! I only have one player and that is it. No computer, no nothing else. But it is a Sony and it has played pretty much everything I throw at it. I actually found my first bum disc in an order I got this last weekend, it just would not play or load no matter what I tired. Needless to say, that one got sent back Monday so I should be getting my replacement soon. Smile

and on that note, do any of you have tricks that you use to get discs to work? I have found that some discs don't play well if they have been in the player for a bit. They get too hot and start skipping. If I take them out and let them cool off for like 5 seconds, then they play fine.
Also, no joke, I have lightly washed some discs (cds and dvds) with a mild soap and water and then dried them with a soft cloth and it works. Go figure.
I write reviews on eack HK disk or set that I get. I think it is good to check the disk and packaging and watch the series all the way through and look at any special features the disk has before I write a review on the series I get
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I guess most do have a lot of DVD players which isnt surprising since even I have one stand alone type[2 of it though], and the rest of my family have DVD players. My mom has a cyberhome player I got her earlier this year, my brother has a sony stand alone. Everyone has a DVD player but my old man. The thing with HKs though from my experience is X-Box/PS2 SUCK for them with the Outlaw Star set anyways. But I do check my discs once I get them and test them due to past experience with games[CRACKED Discss, SCRATCHED BEYOND USE Etc...]
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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i do check them when i first got them, so i know if they need to be send back for replacements, but i don't check em a few times to make sure, i think thats kinda extreme
I just check if the second layer works.

Tricks? I had one set that only played if I put the disc in the player, turn power of (on the machine, not the remote) and than turn it on. If I try to load from standby mode it won't read the disc but if I do it from power of mode it will load (was with Rahxephon fx disc 1).

The soap trick definetly works. Just make sure the disc is dry before you test it.
I've washed a few discs, usually if I can see lots of prints or other non-scratch type marks. My girlfriend leaves her discs laying around loose all the time so anything I borrow usually needs to be cleaned. My cousin swears that he has the best system for cleaning discs that skip. He turns on the hot water at full force and runs it over them. Maybe it's just me but I don't think that is such a great idea.
On my last order, I ripped all the DVDs to my computer. If the rip halted with an error, I checked out the disc on the standalone player.
The Beard is out there...

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BeardFan Wrote:On my last order, I ripped all the DVDs to my computer. If the rip halted with an error, I checked out the disc on the standalone player.
that is a good idea. I wonder if there are any 'disc checking' programs you can just throw your dvd in your pc and it scans and then spits it back out.

I remember a video game store in town had something like that for checking sony and sega discs, but in my only experience with it, it didn't work. I got 'medal of honor', they checked it in the computer, and it said no errors. So I get home and I go into the multiplayer mode and it freezes every time at the same spot. funny. Anyway I took it back and they buffed and polished it and it worked great after that. Needless to say, I didn't see them using that 'error check' program much after that...
i kind of have a ritual, i really do have no life or responsabilitys as of yet (im 17) so usually i just sit my ass down and check the disc as you do rarnom, then i just laze around my room all day and watch through them all ^__^, most of the time anyways
Sirus Wrote:i kind of have a ritual, i really do have no life or responsabilitys as of yet (im 17) so usually i just sit my ass down and check the disc as you do rarnom, then i just laze around my room all day and watch through them all ^__^, most of the time anyways
yeah, the thing with me is that I don't have as much time as I would like to watch stuff, but I keep on buying... :o
I also check my discs just because I don't want to discover an error after I have had the set in my huge backlog forever...
I really don't check the disks, I just simply put the first disk into the player and press play.

But o dp have a good method for getting my dvd player to work, if it bugs up or anything just hit it and it will return to normal.
babyeater0 Wrote:I really don't check the disks, I just simply put the first disk into the player and press play.

But o dp have a good method for getting my dvd player to work, if it bugs up or anything just hit it and it will return to normal.

Not the greatest method but it does seem to work...
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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