The anime eqaution
dude like i said..before "TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM" for now

then when your older do what you gotta do and get the hel outta that stooopid place

think Long Term...
and vicious not everyone is blessed with your strong will

pullig our legs or not...its still some kinda cry for help..i mean to mak shit up like this you gotta be deranged somwhere in the brain
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

rav96 Wrote:pullig our legs or not...its still some kinda cry for help..i mean to mak shit up like this you gotta be deranged somwhere in the brain

I guess. But in this day and age, is it possible for someone to be this naive/clueless?
Vicious Wrote:I guess. But in this day and age, is it possible for someone to be this naive/clueless?

Sadly it is, parents refused to get Cable or Sat because it was evil and also cost too much.

Also having a room that parents can lock you into helps greatly.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Sad Sad Sad

rember LONG TERM!!

you can do it Big Grin
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Also having a room that parents can lock you into helps greatly.

Dude, you got some serious issues. Being locked in a room? Getting beaten to the point of needing stitches? Not knowing anything about the real world? Hate to say it, but you're fucked. Your parents have totally screwed your life.

Also, you keep saying no cable and satellite. Most shows on network TV are based on sex and violence. Simple shows like the Simpsons or Seinfeld or Friends deal with issues like that. You could have also read books. Something like 'Catcher in the Rye' talks about enough stuff. So I don't buy this 'no cable, no satellite' excuse.
Vicious Wrote:Dude, you got some serious issues. Being locked in a room? Getting beaten to the point of needing stitches? Not knowing anything about the real world? Hate to say it, but you're fucked. Your parents have totally screwed your life.

Yes I do, and yes they have but they actually think they are helping me. Imagine that.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Vicious Wrote:I give up.

At this point, I don't even know if I believe him anymore. There is no way someone could be like this. I think he's pulling our leg. I'm done here.

The idea has crossed my mind, but I've met and am related to a few people who have tolerated or still do tolerate some seriously fucked up shit via family. Fear and ignorance can make a rather strong buffer. After a certain point you wish you could beat the naivete out of them, of course if a good beating could open their eyes you wouldnt be in that situation.

I see parents and siblings as people yout placed with by fate and nothing more. It's love and support that makes a family, not blood. I think that if your so called family causes you more harm than good, telling them to fuck off should be no problem. I assume Vicious would, at least in part, agree. However, I understand that if you are controled and sheltered enough you won't see what everyone else sees. Furthermore, it is because of my parents that I know what is and isn't acceptable in a family. Or rather in my concept of what a family should be. I wonder if I was raised as my girlfriend was, or the way Ryo is, if I could do what I have to in order to fix it. I like to think so, but it's hard to be sure.

Ryo's complaints about his situation show that he is unhappy with the situation. But not that he's unhappy enough to lay everythign on the table and change it. So either it's not all that bad and he can ride it out, it is that bad and he'll go Carrie on everyone, or Vicious is right. Either way, I think I've said far more than I intended, so I'm stopping now.
WandererX12 Wrote:I think that if your so called family causes you more harm than good, telling them to fuck off should be no problem. I assume Vicious would, at least in part, agree.

Problem is, he doesn't seem to know anything about the real world. So I don't think he could make it on his own or support himself.
well if hes at college surely he will learn?
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

WandererX12 Wrote:The idea has crossed my mind, but I've met and am related to a few people who have tolerated or still do tolerate some seriously fucked up shit via family. Fear and ignorance can make a rather strong buffer. After a certain point you wish you could beat the naivete out of them, of course if a good beating could open their eyes you wouldnt be in that situation.

I see parents and siblings as people yout placed with by fate and nothing more. It's love and support that makes a family, not blood. I think that if your so called family causes you more harm than good, telling them to fuck off should be no problem. I assume Vicious would, at least in part, agree. However, I understand that if you are controled and sheltered enough you won't see what everyone else sees. Furthermore, it is because of my parents that I know what is and isn't acceptable in a family. Or rather in my concept of what a family should be. I wonder if I was raised as my girlfriend was, or the way Ryo is, if I could do what I have to in order to fix it. I like to think so, but it's hard to be sure.

Ryo's complaints about his situation show that he is unhappy with the situation. But not that he's unhappy enough to lay everythign on the table and change it. So either it's not all that bad and he can ride it out, it is that bad and he'll go Carrie on everyone, or Vicious is right. Either way, I think I've said far more than I intended, so I'm stopping now.

Left one out, I've tried the Kavorkian way out but was saved by medical

people. Geez can't anyone let you go in peace these days. If that is not the way to change

it I don't know what is. By the Way who is Carrie if you don't mind my asking?
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Vicious Wrote:Problem is, he doesn't seem to know anything about the real world. So I don't think he could make it on his own or support himself.

Which is why he'll have to ride it out and then learn real fast when it hit's him in the face like a brick. He said his siblings made it.

rav96 Wrote:well if hes at college surely he will learn?

Hard to say the way his campus has been described.

BTW what campus is it?(in words not initials)
He be lying dudes

he knows about eminem nuff said!and all these other cartoons that im sure were on only on cable or something
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Ryo of Inferno Wrote:By the Way who is Carrie if you don't mind my asking?

Vicious is right, totally screwed. Big Grin
Carrie is the main character in a movie named Carrie, look it up. Watch it if you can, it's fitting.
WandererX12 Wrote:Which is why he'll have to ride it out and then learn real fast when it hit's him in the face like a brick. He said his siblings made it.

Hard to say the way his campus has been described.

BTW what campus is it?(in words not initials)

California Baptist University. Just became a university last year. Before then it was

California Baptist College. As for siblings they made it because they were a momma's boy

and a Daddy's girl so they got to choose their cottage, pay for it etc.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
rav96 Wrote:He be lying dudes he knows about eminem nuff said!and all these other cartoons that im sure were on only on cable or something

Hammerman and Bill&Ted were both on network TV on saterday mornings. So youll need somthing better. Not that I don't believe you.

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