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I mean come on can dbz get any worse? Apparently so!!! :evil:
Can the stories they rewrite get any more lackluster and off course!?! :evil: It's not just dbz either but since it is THE dominant anime here in the states I figured I'd rip on funimations "great works of quality".
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I know it's none of my business & all, & I hate to be rude put your CAPS hurt my ears.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Your saying that Dragon Ball Z dubs for america suck???
Have you ever heard the japanese tracks for Goku, he still sounds like he's three, because they used the same voice actor from Dragon Ball, and she didn't change the way she does the voice. I mean come on, how can you be a hero when your son has a manlier voice than you!!!!
And yes they messed up some things but it's not as bad as you make it sound!! :evil:
And the stories are not that bad, I've seen worse!!!
Just be happy you got to see it!!!
spend the money to buy a japanese dvd or something!!!
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I won't get into a dub rant because I don't have time now. But when I get home from work, there is going to be hell to pay on this thread.
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I have to put my opinion on here the dub for dragonball is awful. I have been a fan of the manga and anime for a long time now and personally I think the dub ruined it for america It could have been so much more. I think you were talking about Gokuu having a womans voice in the japanese version and Gohan having a manlier one but that is wrong because Gokuu, Gohan and Goten have the exact same voice. I won't down on anyone who likes the show but I will suggest taking a look at the show in japanese to see what you are missing. I mean DAMN funimation "made" thier own "music" for dragonball Z, and Gen Fukunaga (president of said company) said he felt his "score" actually fit the tone of the show better. My god... 8O 8O 8O
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I have to completetly agree with DARK OSAMU on this one they fucked dragonball up for us in america and now they are prepared to do the same thing to One Piece. I wish they all would drop dead really I do.. 8O
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Ok a good time to do a sub versus dub debate. Obvisously everyone here is going to talk about dubs suck because they aren't "Japanese enough" or that they "sound terrible".
True I agree if anyone has seen Very Private Lessons, they would know that a dub such as that sucked beyond belief. The english voice of the mob boss' daughter was extremely annoying. Ofcourse this was a low budget production from early Anime Works.
Look at Princess Mononoke it was a simply amazing dub. The movie had a great feel with the dub. The voice actors blended well, and acted off each other.
Back in the day when Stream Line Pictures released anime, it was almost unheard of. Nobody was interested. So any Joe Average Voice Actor was good enough. They didn't record together, so it was just voice acting from actors spliced together. That made it sound almost funny.
Now I get annoyed too, when Matt Greenfield goes into right field with his dubs......Those Who Hunt Elves anyone? But seriosuly it does liven it up. Americana references in Those Who Hunt Elves were annoying but atleast the audience could make sense of it. Watching episode 11 (could be wrong) of Urusei Yatsura with people in a video rental store, I saw the downside of a sub. After losing to Ataru, Shutaro wanted to commit bloody Seppuku. Now this is serious, but then he doesn't bother with it because of all the hot girls. Nobody understood that, and the sub didn't convey that at all. *Breeze goes through the silence of the store........Whoosh* Seriously though watching subs are great but How many get the puns in Kodocha. Raise your hands now......that's what I thought. Without a lengthy explanation. Nobody (well English speakers) gets it. :mrgreen:
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The idea of cenorship is something that will be put against the dub. True many shows are censored when dub for American TV. Some things like death and homo-erotism(Sailor Moon), is still extremely taboo in America. Who really cares though, if they alter a line. I agree that DBZ gets annoying (they jumped out of the helicopter in time, I can see the parachutes or it's ok thank God that City Block was deserted), but it really isn't that bad. What about the Japanese? They are never going to show Kimagure Orange Road in it's entirety in syndication, why? Episode 44 (one of my all time favorite episodes) has a character named Hikaru getting drunk while partying, and looking for her Darling. The Japanese censorship felt that the show promoted teen alcholism. I know this doesn't deal with a dub directly, I just wanted to point out that not only are dubs censored for America, but things in other countries are censored as well.
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I have to agree with the Pie here.
You can't cast a blanket over ALL subs or ALL dubs.
If the dubs are well done, I prefer watching them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad dubs to sort through.
I do remember my fansubs of Fushigi Yuugi actually explain the puns and regional jokes during the credits or between episodes. That made the series a lot more interesting to me to watch.
That's the nice thing about DVDs... you get to choose between which is offered. It would be nice if they started offering explanations of jokes... kind of like pop-up videos or something.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
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Ok here is one for the dub side.
In episode 13 Jupiter Jazz, a soldier from another planet is killed. The mood becomes very somber.
While Ed paints Faye's toe nails a rainbow pattern. She ends up painting one the color blue.
Now the sub goes:
Faye: "Ed don't be cute." Then the ending goes on. The line means absolutely nothing and should be taken literaly and that's it.
Now the dub goes:
Faye : "Ed, anything but blue." The theme of blue is always present in Cowboy Bebop. Everyone seems to suffer somewhat. From Spike's lost love, to Faye's lost identity. Everyone aboard the Bebop feels a sad state of blue. The pointless line in the sub was changed to a deeper meaning dub line. Kodos Bandai. :mrgreen:
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I agree with Zaggato and Steve you have to take each dub/sub with its own aspect.. Some goods are great as Steve pointed out.. Mononoke Hime was a great dub in the states very well done.. Also Vampire Hunter D (Not Bloodlust)IMHO i thought was a really well done Dub.. But then there are some dubs that totally get off the picture if anyone has watched Generator Gawl they would know what i am talking about.. In some parts of the shows they totally change the story i can't remember what episode but the main girl was talking about her figure but in the dub i belive they made it where she was talking about two guys maybe being gay or something of that nature.. which is ADV for ya.. but my true opinion is try each out and which ever one fits you better go for it.. cause everyone is different. ;o)
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I have not seen many "JAPANESE" shows in english that I "LIKED". I read the comment about Princess Mononoke and I have to agree they did sound good but there was a reason for that they were profesionals. I mean have any of you guys seen the streamline Fist of the North Star it was simply wretched. I won't jump down any of you throats for liking what I consider to be "CRAP". Here's how I think, If the product was made in japanese it should probably stay that way. Unless the creator wants it in english(an extreme rarity but it does occur). I am sorry but english dubs have ruined so many moments for me which could have been quite enjoyable. Have any of you seen Ranma 1/2? I wasted almost a cool 2 Grand on dubbed garbage just because the good stuff wasn't availble. I was so happy when I finally heard ranma's japanese voice (well both of them). MOST not all MOST dubs are nothing but over the top american crap which I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANYMORE...... 8O 8O 8O
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I can see you've been burned by American releases of anime. Though I wouldn't agree that all dubs suck. I like the Sailor Moon dub way better than the Japanese cast. The english was more diverse and it still kept some jokes/puns (Serena - Sailor Moon). I liked the Ranma 1/2 dub much more, but that's my opinion. Check out the dub for Maison Ikkoku, they didn't change any jokes but cleaned them up.
Godai is accussed of spying on Akemin changing.
Yotsuya (Japanese) - Godai, no peeping.
Yotsuya(English) - Godai, please abstain from voyeourism.
Yotsuya is a formal and a mysterious character. His word choice in the dub was not only funnier, but it matched the mouth movements as well.
Kakoi read the Streamline Pictures comment I wrote from above. It explains that nobody cared about anime and would want to spend big bucks on actors. Likewise nobody recorded together so they couldn't work off each other.
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You guys all have very good points,and yes I have been burned many times by bad dubs. From now on if it is japanese I will watch it in raw japanese or subtitles. I guess I am a little bitter but how would the world get along without me.  8O 8O
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People must do what they feel is right for them of course.
Mind you, as already been stated, there are good dubs and bad ones. I loved Ranma 1/2 dubbed as well as Shinesman and You're Under Arrest.
True in the past some shmo or whatever was taken to fill a role. Now things are a lot harder to obtain a role as there are tonnes of people going for the same one. The dubs for the most part have gotten better.
There will always be good dubs and bad ones (and there will always be good and bad VAs).
Doing VA work is quite hard and sometimes very demanding. 8)