Old member, new username, slightly old question...
Hello Junkie Joe,

I am an old member of this website; I have tried to log in under my old username, however I can't remember my password, and unfortunately, I deleted my old email address that I was registered under so I can't use the Forgot Password option. So I've decided to re-register here, so that I can use these forums again, and most of all, to ask you this question.

My old username at this website was "Lasher". You may or may not recall that I ordered from you the Inuyasha Perfect Collection, Vol. 2, and it arrived with a crack in the case and a bunch of bugs on the discs that, I assume, have since been cleared up by FX. Since it was damaged and had bugs, I asked if you could replace it, and you told me to send it to you, and after a while I asked you about it, and you said you had never received the package.

Well, there's a reason for that. In the process of moving from Dayton, Ohio to Charleston, South Carolina, I found the dvd boxset, still in its package and addressed to you. It seems that I had not ever sent it to you in the first place. How this happened, I'll never know.

But the reason I'm writing is to see if it's not too late to still get a replacement, since I do have the DVD set now, and I did buy it from this site originally. If it's too late, I understand. It has been a while. But if you are able to replace it still, I'd be eternally grateful.

Thanks a lot!


Michael (aka "Lasher")
you could of PM'ed him to get a faster response.
welcome back to the forums.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Ya, Welcome!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!
Welcome back.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
We should have a Party!!
Pika Pika Shining!!!! Ryuichi Sakuma is a GOD!!! NO DA?!

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