find me this song and I'll give you $50
Okay, on the FX set of Kare Kano His Her Circumstances I am looking for the exact song that is on the main menu, not any other menu screens. If you can find me the full song I will give you $50 through paypal, no kidding.

I'm sure you can't find it. I mean, I have all four soundtracks and it isn't even on there. So good luck, but I don't think anyone will find it. I thought it was worth a try

While we're on the subject, anyone who can find me an mp3 of the ending theme to tokyo babylon will get my sincerest thank you. I couldn't find it on kazaa or the like when I had such programs. I think I found it once online somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look while it's on my mind right now.

Find the anime you want

Click Archive > Audio (or Music, whatever)

They have nearly every track of nearly every anime available for free download. The downside is that they aren't amazing quality, but still incredibly awesome. They're in WMA format, but that's easily convertable.

Hunt around and download what you want. Should you find the Kare Kano song, spend the $50 on buying the legit OST. Tokyo Babylon should be there too.
Cool. Thanks. Don't read this sentance, it's just here to waste your time and make the post look longer.
Can't you rip the song of the main menu and put it up somewhere for us to check out. It'll definately help those who don't have the fx set.
The only problem with that is usually the menus don't feature the whole song, just maybe one minute, because they don't figure anyone will stay at the main menu longer then that.

I don't know the case for the FX set, so that may be your solution. Go for it.
The FX set plays it for a while and loops it.. pretty much cuts off in the middle and starts all over.. it's pretty noticeable.
If the FX set is the same as the R1 main menu then that song is pretty awesome. =P
just an idea...have anyone checked if the track is on the image albums?? not sure if theres any tho
If the song is the same in the FX set as the R1s then it's just a piano/string version of the ending theme. Not hard to find that song.

EDIT: The song of the main menu of the R1s is OST 2, track 13, Yume no Naka e I
not hard? I have all the kare kano soundtracks and that speicific version doesn't feature on any of them. As it stands, there are a lot of versions of the ending theme, but I am after that speicif version with the guitar playing the chords in simple fingerstyle G, em,g,em,g,em,c,d (i think) with piano doing to "vocals". It is a slow version. The other version featured in the fx scene selection is already on the soundtrack.

so as it stands, i don't think you can find the main scene selection tune. i only wonder where it came from. like i say, i will pay $50
Wouldn't it suck if someone performed that on their own just for the set? I don't see why they would, but i dunno...
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
Like I said, I don't have the Fx set but according to your explanation it sure sounds like track 13 of the 2nd OST, that's the song that is on the main menu of the R1s.
ouijaouija Wrote:not hard? I have all the kare kano soundtracks and that speicific version doesn't feature on any of them. As it stands, there are a lot of versions of the ending theme, but I am after that speicif version with the guitar playing the chords in simple fingerstyle G, em,g,em,g,em,c,d (i think) with piano doing to "vocals". It is a slow version. The other version featured in the fx scene selection is already on the soundtrack.

so as it stands, i don't think you can find the main scene selection tune. i only wonder where it came from. like i say, i will pay $50

WHY would you pay $50???? :confused: Ever since this topic was started I have been asking myself that....
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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it sounds crazy but i really love that version of yume no nakai

I'm buying the official set of cidien soon, if only my frikkin bank would sort itself out. I was waiting for a letter with my code, only to recieve a letter saying i should have it by now and "thanks for joining" bs. I'm kinda pissed off. Banks never treat old customers right

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