end of evangelion happy song
towards the end of the movie when everyone is turning into that orange gunk and seeing rei theres this happy song that plays in the background and the chorus keeps repeating tumbling down or something like that anyone know the name of the song or understood what i said lol
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
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...orange gunk.... that whole ending made the whole series worth while... otherwise the whining and crying would have ruined it for me... but to see everyone turn their insides out was, in MasterCards™ words, priceless
its called Komm Susser Tod, or Come Sweet Death
thank you weee that song was so perfect for that scene
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
EOE sucked major ass, I would have been much happier if I had never seen it. The series is good while your sucked into EVA world, but when you look back you can see its problems. But EOE was so bad I can't understand why they even bothored to make it.
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