Ten geekiest hobbies
kakomu Wrote:I knew a lot of really ugly Goth Girls who were into that.

Me too. Big Grin Plus the hobby itself is already disturbing.
Schultz Wrote:OMG i think this is worse!

The pain,The pain, make it STOOOPPPP. Oh the horror and to use music from Final

Fantasy and a few moves from FF VII, its too much. How did you find this? It was slowly

eating my eyes out of their sockets. Please put a warning about the sheer idiocy in this.

That was horrible. I think I need to take a shower and cleanse myself of this evil now.
[Image: ryo5il.jpg]
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:The pain,The pain, make it STOOOPPPP. Oh the horror and to use music from Final

Fantasy and a few moves from FF VII, its too much. How did you find this? It was slowly

eating my eyes out of their sockets. Please put a warning about the sheer idiocy in this.

That was horrible. I think I need to take a shower and cleanse myself of this evil now.
i found it searching for the orge_large video.. someone posted it in the same thread as i found the link to the other video.. I just couldn't belive it when i finally watched it.. I don't know how i made myself watch the whole thing..

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