Pirated version of Halo 2 widely available online
this is great hope they dont decide to push the release date back. here is the article:


Microsoft's biggest Xbox release for 2004 has been leaked to the Internet; surfaces on file-sharing sites. Company stands by official November 9 release date.
Late last night, 27 days before its officially scheduled retail release, a complete version of Microsoft's upcoming first-person shooter Halo 2 was leaked to the Internet. The pirated release, a PAL version of the game with French-language dialogue, is currently making its way around various Usenet newsgroups and peer-to-peer networks.

In a statement that Microsoft is sending only to media outlets that request comment, it admits the game "has been posted to various newsgroups and web sites."

While Microsoft says it is "currently investigating the source of this leak with the appropriate authorities," there has been no word on precisely where or how the game originally surfaced at this time, although Microsoft says it is actively tracing the leak. "Microsoft takes the integrity of its intellectual property extremely seriously, and we are aggressively pursuing the source of this illegal act."

It should be noted that players who download the game illegally could face a maximum penalty of $100,000 per instance for copyright violations. "We consider downloading this code or making it available for others to download as theft," the statement continues.

Reaction to the leak from developer Bungie, whose employees have spent most of the past three years developing Halo 2, was understandably more visceral. "We think this really sucks," read a staffer's post on the company's official Web site. "Aside from years of hard work being stolen from us, we've gone to great lengths to ensure that the details of the Halo 2 campaign remain a mystery."

"Microsoft," the post says, "is currently engaged in a full-scale investigation" to come down hard on "those foolish enough to partake in this piracy."

Another message, this one directed at the members of the bungie.net forums, warned of dire, sweeping consequences that would befall any member who posted screens stolen from the leaked game, or hinted that he or she had the game, or knew where to get it. "A link? on the forums will get you banned permanently [from the forums]." Worse, users whose GamerTag user name is listed in their user profile "risk having your Xbox Live account's ability to play Halo 2 crippled?We are NOT kidding around here."

"There's no doubt in my mind that Microsoft has people tracking down whoever was responsible for this," wrote the Bungie-appointed moderator on the forum. "I hope whoever it was thought that leaking the game was worth his job."

Halo 2, which continues the adventures of Master Chief with an all-new single-player adventure, as well as Xbox Live support for Internet-based multiplayer, is scheduled to hit retail shelves on November 9--a date that Microsoft says "remains unaffected."

thanks to Gamespot

so many games these days being leaked its sad they must not pay there people enough money. or they piss off a worker and let them go they do something like this or maybe it was a good hacker.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Yeah I heard about that. You know, that kinda thing really pisses me off. For one, I will be going into the game area of buisness soon and I dont want the games that I work freaking hard on to be released over the internet for free, even before it comes out. Second, my roommate has an xbox and I really want to play halo 2, hope it doesnt get pushed back again. I hope they find the guy who did it and as punishment every single person at bungie gets to line up and kick him in the nuts. Big Grin
That is just crazy. They couldn't even wait till they had released the game to unleash this crap. Making games just ins't worth it in this day and age as any punk can use his puter to steal your hard work.
i thought it was a hoax coz ive seen it on gamin forums and on BT

well goes to show the scurvys are alway out there...
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

If you ask me, this sounds a little bit too fishy. Micro$oft prolly went behind Bungie's back and took a copy of the French version. C'mon it's in French. How many people speak French. Now they are trying to cover it up and say there gonna punish the one responsible. I never trusted Micro$oft since ME. The rich bastards :mad:
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
Well from the bit I have heard about it, the people who try downloading the pirated version of it hopefully choke on the 3GB size I hear the download is.
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
no, its real they posted on alot of sites about this to get the people who got the game. so they could get the info out there and bust these fuckers. but if you dont believe me oh well. gamespot is a bad source.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


yeah rather anoys me as well.i admit i use alot of pirated stuff but thats only because if i didnt i would only ever get to play such a small variety of games and id never have been game enough to try alot of new styles of games.however i generally pay for my most wanted titles.ive got ltd edition halo already preordered
masamune arcade..........still in development
[Image: masasig6xh.jpg]
I am shocked at this board on this subject in this form. you people are complaining about steeling games, but don't you do the same thing with the hk dvd's.

i downloaded it but the disk has some issue where it wont load the first level.
Mantis421 Wrote:Well from the bit I have heard about it, the people who try downloading the pirated version of it hopefully choke on the 3GB size I hear the download is.

no thats an easy d/l even on a slow 312k cable like mine
take like 4days max on BT
less on http
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

personally i think its hilarous, fuck you microsoft you money whoring bastards!!!

its probably a shite game anyway Big Grin
see you space cowboy...

think it should have been micro$oft

i know that annoys kakomu so all the more reason to post it :p

Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

vonhufflepuff Wrote:I am shocked at this board on this subject in this form. you people are complaining about steeling games, but don't you do the same thing with the hk dvd's.

i downloaded it but the disk has some issue where it wont load the first level.

I could care less if they steal it from a company like microsoft but anime and games are verry diffrent, and also im not a game maker so i dont really care. i just posted this cause it would suck if they push halo 2 back like they did for half-life 2.
[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I dont knock microsoft because I live in washington and I know alot of people that work for them. Heak, I may even endup working for them some day. Its not that I like them, I just dont hate them.
Last Exile Wrote:-LE

I could care less if they steal it from a company like microsoft but anime and games are verry diffrent, and also im not a game maker so i dont really care. i just posted this cause it would suck if they push halo 2 back like they did for half-life 2.

So are you telling us you're going to quite stealing anime?

I too am surprised at the people pissed about people stealing the code for halo 2. You're stealing anime, why should you be pissed at people stealing video games?

They aren't going to push halo 2 back. They are probably already making copies of the game by now. It comes out in a few weeks.

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