Hikaru no Go Mainland china dvds
OK! i went on ebay and searched around for hikaru no go dvds and saw three wonderful dvd sets and they were six disks each (18 disks total, episodes 1-75). if you want to know what they look like, just go on ebay and type in hikaru no go and you'll see them. Anyway they look so attractive and I was wondering if any of you own these sets and if this is not asking too much, can you guys give me a mini review on those sets. Cause i am addicted so much to hikaru no go now! just a little review is what i am asking (video, audio, subs, op/ed for each episode) i hope bumperboy could help me out on this cause i do remember him saying he had these sets or at least one of them in a thread awhile ago i think.
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
Ryoku, I haven't seen this series for myself but I too have been bitten by the HNG bug after reading this excellent story in the pages of Shonen Jump. It's easily my favourite story in that manga.

When I did some asking around all I heard was that I should only buy this if I just want to watch the pretty pictures. The subtitles are supposed to be particularly bad for this title. JJ can get it in but he's been reluctant because of the bad subs this title is supposed to have.

I'm patiently holding my breath waiting for a good translation to come out for this most excellent story.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
oh my god NEVER buy those type of sets. They are terrible. The subs are rubbish, I mean really really bad. I didn't actually have the hikaru set but had other anime sets of the same maker. Maybe the hikaru ones will be better? I usually search for feedback of the same set. Email other ebayers who have previously bought it.

They are a bargain if you know mandarin or japanese. If you are just relying on the english subs then it might be bad...
Sorry Ryoku Slayer but I can't help you. all I have is the mainland china rip of One Piece. The quality is a bit low compared with the MI release. the subs are as bad as the MI set. and all dvds are dvd5. So I guess that the HNG China Set is also a MI rip.
I had the cowboy bebop ones and the subtitles were pretty much 2/10. The trigun set was okay though.
I was just wondering, hope someone can answer this question for me. Are the One Piece Mainland DVDs have tv ripped quality, vhs, or dvd quality? Cause I heard from a user that the cowboy bebop set 6 dvds, had dvd quality or something close to it. Can someone confirm that?
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~

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