Fav episodes #8 Chobits
Though Chobits doesent rank as one of my personal favorites anime wise I wanted to expand into different anime types with this weeks installment. Chobits artistic wise is a beautifully done series. Chi and all the other persicoms are done very cute. Hideki is alittle over the top though. Near the end of the series he seems like a real straight up guy, but at the begining he seems like way to much of a closet case pervert. But anyway. My fav episode of the series was very early in the series when Hideki sends Chi to get underpants from the store. The episode is so funny and wrong at the same time. So what do you all think?
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I thought chobits was ok. I did remember that episode, it was ok. I don't know why no-one ever mentinos this, but why are all the personcomms female?
i think the storyline was that personcoms were all females. Maybe they only made them in female forms and not in male. hmmm.......
I saw a male persocom in the background for two seconds. The scene where the persocoms all froze because of Chii. His owner was a teenage girl I think.. they could have been going out for all I know.

My favorite episode is #1. The whole scene when he was trying to turn her on. Yeah, the underwear episode was hilarious as well.
I remember the scene you are mentioning Nina, their is also serveral scenes throughout the series when Hideki is lost thought about how he really feels about Chi and they pan though a crowd were their is male and female persicoms
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I only saw episodes 1-9 and i was laughing threw most of the show. that one guy hideki is so friekin perverted man most of the time he was thinking about his teacher.his bosses daughter,and maybe his land lord i cant remeber but my favorite epesode was the about the panties that was funny
id say the first few epsiodes they were funny and drew me into the series.
and the first episode was when he found Chi. that was so funny . well other then it was funny it was kind of slow and boring at times not my favorite series.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

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