What do you think about gamefaqs?
I heard they have a pretty bad reputation on other boards.
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Ugh Game Faqs nothing special there a waste of time and full of fanboys posting on every other system board just to trash it. What a hell hole lol
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
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Gamefaqs is a great site if you are trying to find out any info on a video game. Even the boards can be good if you have a question about something video game related, as long as you are specific. I usually find the people there helpful...

The boards in genereal ARE populated by annoying fanboys and other kids who just post meaningless stuff all the time. And there are all kinds of 'factions', like the boards you can access once you reach like level 31, you know I am expecting something special...nope, just more idiot kids with their meaningless blather posts. The forums are modded pretty heavy handedly and that is probably because of all the idiots that are on there 24/7. I do find the boards interesting reading material sometimes, like in the 'Random Insanity' forum, just bizzare stuff.
I view it as a place that is kind of fun to visit, but not to 'live' in terms of forum usage.
I didn't even know they had a forum, but I've been using the site since 1997.
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rarnom Wrote:Gamefaqs is a great site if you are trying to find out any info on a video game. Even the boards can be good if you have a question about something video game related, as long as you are specific. I usually find the people there helpful...

The boards in genereal ARE populated by annoying fanboys and other kids who just post meaningless stuff all the time. And there are all kinds of 'factions', like the boards you can access once you reach like level 31, you know I am expecting something special...nope, just more idiot kids with their meaningless blather posts. The forums are modded pretty heavy handedly and that is probably because of all the idiots that are on there 24/7. I do find the boards interesting reading material sometimes, like in the 'Random Insanity' forum, just bizzare stuff.
I view it as a place that is kind of fun to visit, but not to 'live' in terms of forum usage.

Ive only used the .Hack faqs a little bit and I was a member at the boards before..Lost my IDs never bothered trying to get remember the passwords
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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I'm like omar I've never even knew they had a board. Who cares about theirs I love this one! Smile
I've had no urge to go to their forum. As with others, I've been using Gamefaqs since it was red.
Gamefaqs, love it, used it for nearly a decade now. Their forums are great, particularly some of the private ones. Fanboys can be found in every forum, so it's nothing that'll lower my opinion of Gamefaqs.
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the only time i use gamefaqs is when i absolutely cant get past a part in the game so ive only used it once or twice. but i do like the votes they have with video game characters those are always fun to see who wins
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They only reason I go on game faqs is if Im stuck on a game and need to know where to go next. Other than that, I dont really use the site for anything else.
I used the site for walkthroughs since like 2000 but in 2003 I thought of writing one myself (for SNES Front Mission which I finished somewhen in this year). At first I was annoyed that you have to register to the boards before you can post a faq but then I actually got used to it and nowadays I spend most of my time in the internet posting there.
There isn't really a need for other boards actually cause on gfaqs are boards for nearly everything. For exaple alone for animes and mangas there are 5 different boards. Then more boards for all sorts of hobbies and interests and of course a board for nearly every game.
Besides them I usually don't last long on other boards. This is about the longest I ever used another board. I either lose my password/username or the interest.
Anyway fanboys and morons you can find everywhere online and offline but there are also a lot of great people posting on gfaqs but of course you need time to get to know them as everywhere else.
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Kaze no hana yo Saa Hiraku no yo
Sayonara Yuki-tachi yo
My only impression of gamefaqs came when I was tring to beat Resident Evil Zero for the GC some time ago. I asked a question and ending up watching post from two guys/gals fighting back and forth for almost 3 days with posts about what you were suppose to do at that point of the game. They made some of our mild rivalries here seem tame with whith what they were saying to each other. Other then that I didn't have any bad reaction to the site.
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Before I lost my account name I used to post around over there every now & then.
These days I only use them to find FAQs.

As for getting help from the their forums, the only time I've ever posted a question it was ignored...wasn't even my question, but I had to post it becuase my friend was lazy. Other than that, reading the forums tend to tell you a bit more about a game & sometimes holds secrets about the game that aren't in FAQs yet.
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Batz Kage Wrote:Before I lost my account name I used to post around over there every now & then.
These days I only use them to find FAQs.

As for getting help from the their forums, the only time I've ever posted a question it was ignored...wasn't even my question, but I had to post it becuase my friend was lazy. Other than that, reading the forums tend to tell you a bit more about a game & sometimes holds secrets about the game that aren't in FAQs yet.

Either their ignored or a reply takes forever ive noticed..I asked once and I got answer years back that made little sense
[Image: IA.jpg]

'The depths of my soul are rooted in dark thoughts. But than we all have darkness and light in us. If we are all light on the outside we are nothing but darkness underneath. There comes a time when the darkness must come to light.'
- Shinobu Sensui -

It is only when you refuse to give in with all your heart that you begin to transcend your humanity. - Alucard

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i Hate gamefaqs. the only thing that site is good for is walkthroughs. all the poeple there think thay are some special breed like thay invented forums or somethying. the forum setup is terrible, its like a huge gay community. They also find good websites like http://www.randomimage.us and spam them with stuipid things like "hawt" or "id hit it" and just stupid phrases.

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