How about torrents?
I was wondering if JJ doesn't allow anime torrents, seeing as how it probably would hurt his business. No one ever mentions posting torrents here, and for as long as i've been here, no one has tried it (as far as i know). It's not mentioned in the rules, and i just wanted to share Samurai Champloo with people. What's the deal?

Watch, i said something stupid and Vicious shall slit my throat for fun, and then flame me. ::waits eagerly::
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
gohan32 Wrote:Watch, i said something stupid and Vicious shall slit my throat for fun, and then flame me. ::waits eagerly::

Wrong!!!! You'll have to try harder next time. I know a few people you could get tips from.

Actually, I don't DL anything really. Not anime or music. I buy all my anime, so I have no need for Torrents.
Agree, if I watch anime I just buy it.

Nice try trying to start a fight btw. I'm sure everyone appreciates it.
Well i would say no.. Because torrents are a grey area in legalality's. If they where posted companys could go after our hosting provider and try to get our account closed. Also i know its hard because we also sell HK dvd's here. But this site can also be alive without selling HK dvds because of the fact that there is nothing illegal about have a review database about them. So i would kinda like to keep it that way.. If you would want i would suggest doing stuff through email etc.. but not actually posting them onto the forums.. and also is Samurai Champoo the same as Samurai 7?
The legality thing would be my biggest concern to begin with with torrents. The second thing is the virus's that can be transported using them. Alittle to much of red flags for me
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Schultz, Samurai Champloo and Samurai 7 are two totally different titles.

I hate Samurai Champloo with a bitter passion, largely due to it's lack of a deep story, as well as its awful opening song. The only thing going for it are its gorey skirmishes, and asshole main characters.

Samurai 7 is a futuristic samurai title that was inspired by the Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai movie, though it's been heavily altered to appear nothing like it. It's produced by Gonzo, and it's one of my favorite Gonzo titles to date. They've really outdone themselves in creating an environment that allows you totally forget that the series was based on the movie. The fighting is plentiful, and wonderfully animated (after all, this IS Gonzo we're talking about). You could say that it's a futuristic retelling of the original Seven Samurai movie, but that turns some people off. Aside from all the characters sharing the same names as the ones in the movie, I feel the series is different enough to be worth checking out by any action or samurai anime fan.

I very strongly recommend Samurai 7, though I'd stay away from Champloo.
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Yeah, I've seen a snippet of Samurai 7 and I can't wait to see the whole thing. This does look like Gonzo's best effort to date.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
If your going after torrents let me say this your IP is available to anyone who is also downloading whatever file your after and as such it makes it really easy for any group that owns the copyrights to that file to be able to track you down. Plus I believe the amount of bandwith it takes to up/download at the same time would be a "red flag" to your ISP.
If you download torrents its called safepeer.. Look it up.. It helps tremediously actually if you are doing anything with any P2P client search around for safepeer And will add another step to being safer.. but you are never 100% safe.
And bandwidth whats the deal what if i make a ton of home movies and send them on the internet it takes up a ton of bandwidth but its nothing illegal.. Bandwidth isn't the issue its if your doing it for illegal activities or not.
Hum i will have to give it a furthor shot then. I watched the first few episodes of Samurai 7 and it was slow and having problems getting into it.. I then started watching Full Metal Alchemist and well i am at episode 30 in it and haven't been able to stop..
gohan32 Wrote:I was wondering if JJ doesn't allow anime torrents, seeing as how it probably would hurt his business.

If people who download anime are like me then JJ's business isn't going to be hurt in the least. I dowload anime in order to pre-watch it and then if I like it enough I buy the boxset. I loved Witch Hunter Robin and as soon as the boxset becomes available in the store I'll buy it, even though I've already watched the series.
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