Vicious Theme Song
id like to dedicate this song that i think goes so well with vicious. this song suites him:

Title: Judith
Artist: aPerfect Circle
(go to multimedia and then 5-15-04 atlanta GA download the song free great show)

You're such an inspiration for the ways
That I'll never ever choose to be
Oh so many ways for me to show you
How the savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God
Your Lord and your Christ
He did this
Took all you had and
Left you this way
Still you pray, you never stray
Never taste of the fruit
You never thought to question why

It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
Praise the one who left you
Broken down and paralyzed
He did it all for you...
He did it all for you...

Oh so many many ways for me to show you
How your dogma has abandoned you
Pray to your Christ, to your god
Never taste of the fruit
Never stray, never break
Never---choke on a lie
Even though he's the one who did this to you
You never thought to question why

Not like you killed someone
It's Not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side
Talk to Jesus Christ
As if he knows the reasons why
He did it all for you
Did it all for you.................
He did it all for you..

So anyone think this matches him . i sure think alot of lines in this song do !
enjoy this song.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Damn. Everyone has some weird fascination with me lately. If you think I'm even gonna attempt reading that long ass message, think again.
hahaha yeah too lazy i read the first two lines then gave up.
Once the threads of fate are tangled they can never be undone..
its a shame its a great song.
well your loss.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


U could allways download the song, personally i cudnt be arsed to do either.
You know, this childish behavior is very unbecoming, LE.
So, Vicious is...well vicious at times, we all accept this as normal.
You constantly lash out at him. I'm sure you think he deserves it, but we are all a little sick of hearing it. :mad:
Well LE just pissed me WAY off with those lyrics. I'm not gonna respond other than that either. That is NOT cool! :mad: :mad: :mad: I now have NO respect for LE. As if it matters anyway.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Wow... the fact that LE is so stuck on this that he looked for lyrics that he thought suited Vicious is pathetic. An argument or disagreement over something is one thing, but to purposefully look for something like that? That's beyond rediculous. LE, you need a hobby. Obviously you have too much time on your hands and the anime isn't doing it.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
You shouldnt make assumptions about people's life styles from so little basis. He might have just heard that song on the radio or something. If you dont think he should make fun of this guy then you really shoudnt make fun of him for doing so: "lead by example".

You can understand why he's not overly fond of the guy Smile . He's really quite mean.
But yeh I reckon its kinda silly: "you cant fight fire with fire"
Not sure if that makes any sense just seemed appropiate.
Sorry for the lame sayings, just far to lazy to put things into my own words Smile .
"The highest result of education
is tolerance."
Helen Keller
for one thing i didnt search for this i know the lyrics and i was listening to this song while i was reading one of Vicious posts about me and so i posted this. and im not starting these fights its vicious. im a nice guy i try to help everyone and then i hear vicious with one of his mean posts everytime ! he brings my mood down. i have not seen one nice post from him since i have been here !

dude if you dont have any respect for me cause of this song grow up. you guys make me sick of how much though you put into maling me the only bad guy here ! vicious me and all of you have a choice to post in what if you dont like the post it is simpole dont post in it ! see if our friend vicious did this there wouldnt be a problem !

so as i said before in anoter post , i am trying to drop this and you all keep on egging it on more ! and as for lyrics alot of these lines match him i just think it was werid they do ! my opinion.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:for one thing i didnt search for this i know the lyrics and i was listening to this song while i was reading one of Vicious posts about me and so i posted this. and im not starting these fights its vicious. im a nice guy i try to help everyone and then i hear vicious with one of his mean posts everytime ! he brings my mood down. i have not seen one nice post from him since i have been here !

dude if you dont have any respect for me cause of this song grow up. you guys make me sick of how much though you put into maling me the only bad guy here ! vicious me and all of you have a choice to post in what if you dont like the post it is simpole dont post in it ! see if our friend vicious did this there wouldnt be a problem !

so as i said before in anoter post , i am trying to drop this and you all keep on egging it on more ! and as for lyrics alot of these lines match him i just think it was werid they do ! my opinion.


You know what your problem with Vicious is? You let him get to you! I get along with him just fine and I think he's really nice to me, yet when I was a newcomer he treated me like he treats all newcomers. There are many other people around here who like Vicious as well. He is the way he is, if you take it too personally then you're obviously going to end up mad at him. Also, you can get a bit rough yourself sometimes. So my advice to you is: Just calm down! Don't take things too seriously. You'll die young if you keep at it!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Last Exile Wrote:for one thing i didnt search for this i know the lyrics and i was listening to this song while i was reading one of Vicious posts about me and so i posted this. and im not starting these fights its vicious. im a nice guy i try to help everyone and then i hear vicious with one of his mean posts everytime ! he brings my mood down. i have not seen one nice post from him since i have been here !

dude if you dont have any respect for me cause of this song grow up. you guys make me sick of how much though you put into maling me the only bad guy here ! vicious me and all of you have a choice to post in what if you dont like the post it is simpole dont post in it ! see if our friend vicious did this there wouldnt be a problem !

so as i said before in anoter post , i am trying to drop this and you all keep on egging it on more ! and as for lyrics alot of these lines match him i just think it was werid they do ! my opinion.


LE, what were you trying to accomplish by posting this? If you are the one trying to stop the fights, then why did you feel the need to post something that you knew wouldn't make Vicious happy and could possibly start another flame war? Not only did you post something that would make anyone unhappy (a very negative theme song dedicated to a particular person), but you make it into its own thread, which will purposfully draw attention to it. I understand that you are allowed to have and state your own opinion, but you're contradicting yourself when you say you're trying to stop the arguments.
~Lady Ice~
"I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door. I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more." ~Maroon5
[Image: WitchHunterRobinBanner1.jpg]
My, my. I think our little Last Exile has a schoolboy crush on Vicious. Last Exile must to confused with all theses new emotions he's having that he doesn't know how to express it properly, how adorable
Perhaps his intent was to piss me off . . . I don't know. But either way, that's not the way to go about doing it. Anything longer than 5 lines and you've already lost my interest. I have no idea what the lyrics said, nor do I care.

You were up to about 500 posts before I even said anything negative to you LE. And that's because you made up those false numbers and accusations against ADV. First you had some sort of vendetta against them and when I pointed out that you were wrong, now you have a vendetta against me. I wouldn't be surprised to see Steve be the next person to garner your 'attention'.
he is cause he is trying to pcik something with me !
and what i said is true but once again ! anime was expensive i was pointing out ADV cause it is a big company in anime and at the time there anime and others were to expensive thats what drove me to HK. ill probaly post this 300 more times untill you see it the way im saying it ! so vicious just drop it aniem was expenisve in the past there is no reason to bring this on further !

oh and you did start things way before my post count was up : 6/8/04

i was going to post more but this post is more then 5 lines and im trying my hardest to calm down ! cause i was jsut enraged and posted a post that i know ill hear about for awhile !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



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