Ichi the Killer FX DVD question
I was wondering if any of you guys had received this dvd yet? I have tried it on 4 dvd players and it keeps giving me the message that the DVD cannot play on my DVD player's region. I thought these discs were region 0.
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so dont you need a non region player !
i havent bought that series yet so i couldnt tell you. some titles wouldnt work so i had to use my non region dvd player and it worked perfectly. alot of dvd players liek older ones cant play hk's cause they are like burned dvds. thats what i found out at my grandmas !

hope that helps.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


it says that a lot on my dvd player, and i get pissed but i just keep trying and it eventually works
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evilomar Wrote:I was wondering if any of you guys had received this dvd yet? I have tried it on 4 dvd players and it keeps giving me the message that the DVD cannot play on my DVD player's region. I thought these discs were region 0.
It is a region 2 encoded DVD. Your computer will play it but in the process make you change the region. I am going to write a review today. Sorry I didn't do one sooner...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Many standalone DVD players also allow you to change the region playback setting, through a sequence of button combinations. A search online will determine if your DVD player falls into such a category.
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morgorath Wrote:It is a region 2 encoded DVD. Your computer will play it but in the process make you change the region. I am going to write a review today. Sorry I didn't do one sooner...

Thats whats going on. I told JJ about it and hes FX are going to send him replacement Region 0 disks.
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Yeah... there's a little note on that DVD if you read it in the store. FX copied this release from an R2 source and forgot to remove the regional coding on the first pressing. This has been fixed and the replacement discs are en route to JJ. Anyone who has had this problem is entitled to a free replacement disc.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
My, my, what is going on with fx? That is one dumb oversight even for bootleg standards. It's so easy to remove the region coding when copying a DVD.
I think that Flora is trying a bunch of new things as he's producing each title. Unfortunately, he's working on so many new titles at once that he's started to let mistakes get by him. Remember when he started out (not that long ago) he only had a few titles to keep track of and they all were of the highest quality. I hope he learns from the problems that he's having these days (sound synch, wrong region, over compression) and returns to the same high quality releases he started with. I personally view this as a growth period for him and am being patient because of the historically high quality.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Zagatto Wrote:. I personally view this as a growth period for him and am being patient because of the historically high quality.

Agreed, I also hope we get replacement for the Tokyo Godfathers soon.
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Tokyo Godfathers have been fixed and replacements on the way, on a side note, the replacements for Itchi the Killer are not on the way yet, still waiting (guess FX prioritized the replacements of out of sync item over the region encoding.

will keep you guys updated on both of these replacements via a news post on the main page as soon as discs are in my hands and ready to ship.

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