one peice how long???
You saw what they did to Shaman King. How much better do you think One Piece is gonna be...
As soon as i read the One Piece on 4kids thread here, i went to Ebay and bought up to 120 on HK. I realize it has horrible subtitles, but i prefered that to waiting 20 years (hopefully an exageration).
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
Quote: I realize [the HKs] has horrible subtitles, but i prefered that to waiting 20 years (hopefully an exageration).

For a "Fox Box" program, how many weeks of a series are generally first-run? When ABC, NBC and CBS had decent Saturday-morning schedules years ago, they generally have 13-weeks new, with the series repeated 3 times until the start of the next season.

Even with 26 weeks of first-run, I imagine it would take about 8 years to get caught up to where the Japanese are now (episode 200). that is, unless there's only 13 new episodes a year; then, in that case, it'll be 2020 before we get to see episode 200 on Fox.

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