I've got addicted to reading a manga called Gantz from that i found through warren ellis' blog site

I've heard of of an animated series has been done and i just want to know if anyone has seen it and whether it's worth me downloading.

cheers guys!
Hi, since you're new to the forums, welcome!

To answer your question, the Gantz anime is something I would NOT recommend you download, particularly if you've read the manga. Because of TV regulations and restrictions, much of the content of the manga from the manga has been changed or omitted entirely from the anime. If you're just curious to see what it's like compared to the manga, check it out anyway, but don't expect too much from it.

I believe there was a thread a few weeks back concerning this series. You may find it useful to use the Search function, and see what else people had to say about it. In fact, this is something you should do in the future, before you post a new thread.

Also check out the forum FAQ (second 'sticky' thread from the top in the Anime/HK DVD Discussion section) the, which answers lots of questions you may have about this forum, its rules, or about HK DVDs in general.
Thanks for the info. It's a shame that the seires hasn't fared well against the source material because Gantz is perhaps the most refreshing read i have had in a while. I've never read anything where the writing has that much of a disregard of thier characters.

As for being new to the site and forum, i have been using both for a couple of years now. I just dont post on boards that often. Must've missed the gantz thread. Nevermind "best laid plans..." and all that.
Sorry about that. Honest mistake.
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I'm glad to see a link. That comic looks good. I hve to download it all now. Thanks Cosmic and WELCOME to I A!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by Cosmicsnail
It's a shame that the seires hasn't fared well against the source material because Gantz is perhaps the most refreshing read i have had in a while.

You should try reading Monster.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
There's an uncut version being released in Japan right now. It's much different and includes more graphic scenes in it. I think Gantz has also been licensed (by ADV if I'm not mistaken) so they should be producing uncut R1's sooner or later, which I'll be sure to pick up.

Uncut version can be seen here (warning, includes images not suitable for a younger audience, viewer discretion is advised):

The TV version isn't worth downloading. I watched it and noticed they cut out many things without even reading the manga. There is a large gap of story missing inbetween two of the last episodes that they don't really bother to explain. I'm fairly certain the uncut version includes it.
cheers for the informative responces people. its a real shame about the animated seres as the manga got me pumped about watching it, but hopefully the uncuts will go someway to fixing the problems people had with the series.

wow a message board that doesnt attack people for not knowing stuff. i might just break my not posting to meesage boards rule more often.

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