Red vs. Blue
Most of you big "Halo" fans for the X-Box probably already know what this is by reading the header so you need not read further. But for those of you who don't Red Vs Blue is a ongoing series where video is taken from Halo the game and comidic dialog is inserted the process is called Machinima. The series makes you definately look at Halo a totally different way. here is the link check it out
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
er.... this a new thread?
RvB is cool, i was a supersponsor.... i gotta resubscribe for season 3..
i got season 1 and 2... if u wanted to know..... except i wont trade em... jus buy em from
I know the series has been around for a bit already but just over the weekend I showed my friend some of the episodes and this was the first time he had even heard of it. Its always cool to try to lure new fans to a already old series even if it is little 5 min internet ones
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
its the same for, ive known about rvb for a while but all my friends that are into halo had never heard of it. Really cool series but i havnt seen any of the l8est ones.
Red vs Blue is up to I belive episode 38 and they have 9 pulic servie anouncements they have done also has all the episodes except a handful from the first season. Private Simmons get me my Warthog
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
yep, season 2's last episode was episode 38 i think.....
"i'm no stranger to sarcasm sir"
my fav episode of red vs blue has to be the public service anouncement they did for the New York film festival "Internet vs reality" it hits it right on the nose almost
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
my favourite episode is.... the one where donut runs up the ramp and says:
"hey wats going on" - Donut
"that crazy guy's firing at us" - Grif
"the same guy who knocked me out?", "the same guy who got me stuck in this light red armour?"
"seriously dude, its so much easier jus to say pink"
"o i've been waiting for this....."
"hey...., i've saved something for ya!"
*throws plasma grenade*
*everyone watched it fly through the air...... and land straight on to Tex*
"Oh, Son of a......." - Tex
"HELL YEAH, 3 POINTS U DIRTY WH*RE!!" <"dirty wh*re"> echoes throughout canyon........

i kno, thats not the exact lines, but its funny nonetheless.
The stand off were both sides run out of ammo and are tring to get the other to surrender is my fav
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
I actually chuckled just reading your posts and remembering those parts. That's how great this series is.

JW, did they win the webbies award? (Like the grammys, but for the internet) I voted for them.
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
I know they were nominated for a handful of internet series awards but I am not sure their official site might say if they did or not
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Its been a while since I've seen any, but I remember loving the episode where they introduced the "Puma", and the whole pacifist/pedofile conversation.
Some people say that Machimina is a total lack of creativity. It is funny not that their is entire websites devoted to Machimina type stories now, and at least 3 other series that are tring to do what red vs blue does with the Halo game
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
kinda off of the subject, dose anyone remember nightmare armour. it was a site where u cud buy life size master chief armour. But i cant get on to the site anymore.
I remember it, it was mind blowing! I also heard rumours that someone somehow had something blow up either on or near them and the suit got stuck on in parts. They had to have surgery to remove it. <<again, rumour
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?

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