Tales of Symphonia
I have seen ads for this game in a couple of differant Magazines...I was thinking about picking it up.

Has anyone played it yet??
Did you like it?
My friend who is HARDCORE rpg man got it. He played it a little bit and then put it up. He said it isn't a bad game, but just that it wasn't super interesting, and that he didn't really like some of the gameplay aspects of it.
The guys at IGN.Com have reviewed it HERE for the GameCube. They say there are some flaws but overall it's a great game.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Well to put it vey honestly, it's not a bad game, but it's not a great game either. Like most Tales titles, it's a rather average RPG. The is plot is rather cliched, the music was halfheartedly composed (if you listened to some of Motoi Sakuraba's works in Star Ocean titles or Valkyrie Profile, you'll know what I mean), and the characters rather uninteresting for the most part. However, there are few RPGs available on the GC, so I would recommend it to those who own a GC and want an RPG experience.

Rarnom''s frend got it on the nose, in short.
I played Skies of Arcadia and loved it. I'm currently dragging myself thru Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicals.
I want a new RPG.
We have the wavebirds for the GC...so any other console keeps me tied to it and I don't like that. Yes, there are wireless controllers for them. I just don't like them nearly as much!!
I finished ToS a couple of weeks ago, and for me it was really good but that may be because I love the Tales series and they combined a lot of old school things with the new. When I started playing it I couldnt stop, its so addictive, you always want to see what happens next, and the battle system is not boring since its in real time fighting. For me it was a great game, it depends on the person's taste. A lot of people didnt like FFCC and you're playing it so I think you should give it a try.
There's no point introducing myself to the death.

My R1 Collection
My HK Collection
Well, needless to say, there ARE better RPGs out there. However, it's good that you enjoyed the game. If you had a PS2, you'd be having many more of those kinds of enjoyable experiences.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Well, needless to say, there ARE better RPGs out there. However, it's good that you enjoyed the game. If you had a PS2, you'd be having many more of those kinds of enjoyable experiences.

I have a PS2 and it has a lot more and better RPGs but since Ka-Talliya is asking for a GCN game then its worth mentioning. My point is that it depends on the person's preference, even the magazines disagree, some gave ToS a good review and other gave it an average review so I think its best to borrow the game and try it then you can experienced it without a cost.
There's no point introducing myself to the death.

My R1 Collection
My HK Collection
Ka-Talliya, definitely get Tales of Symphonia. It may be an average RPG, but note that RPGs have come a long way from their 16-bit renditions, and thus the standard has been raised quite a bit. It may be nothing 'spectacular', but it's definitely worth getting if you're a GC owner.
Definatly their is better RPG titles out their, but being a GC owner myself I know as far as GC and RPG's go you have slim pickins
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Well, my birthday just past, maybe Schultz will be a dear and pick it up for me. *Hint, Hint*
i checked it in yesterday and it looks cool.
sad the kid who rented it only got one disc its a 2 disc game, i think ill rent it next week.
i usualy play all the new games since we get them all and i can rent them free so its a good way to keep up on games !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Schultz picked it up for me this weekend. I started playing and I like. It's going to take some getting used to, but it's a good play!

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