09-07-2002, 05:47 PM
"Angst! Get your angst here! Get it while its hot!"
Annnyways, trying to watch all of marmalade boy on a set that a friend gave (.rm files -- evil I tell you) have been close to imposible and I was wanting to pick up the HK discs. It had been noticed that MI now has the entire series out (YAY!)
However, does anyone have any info on this at all or any opinions? Help please
Thanks muchly!
Edit: Let Yuu please slug Kei and Michael...especially Michael. He's getting on my nerves the little punk :evil:
Annnyways, trying to watch all of marmalade boy on a set that a friend gave (.rm files -- evil I tell you) have been close to imposible and I was wanting to pick up the HK discs. It had been noticed that MI now has the entire series out (YAY!)
However, does anyone have any info on this at all or any opinions? Help please

Thanks muchly!
Edit: Let Yuu please slug Kei and Michael...especially Michael. He's getting on my nerves the little punk :evil: