Ok, my new school year starts Monday and since I gotta get up at around 5:30 to go to school...Adult Swim is not on at a very resonable time. I'm sort of ok with this cause most of the stuff showing on weekdays is crap. Since I don't want to record whats on AS right now I figured I'd just make my own. Right now the scedule looks like this for the first month:
1/Family Guy
6/Gundam G
I can't figure out what to put on for 4 and 5 so I ask for your help. For 4 I'd like a romance/comedy and for 5 something original. Oh and if you ever heard of any dvd's of commercials I woulodn't mind getting my hands on that either. Thanks a bunch
1/Family Guy
6/Gundam G
I can't figure out what to put on for 4 and 5 so I ask for your help. For 4 I'd like a romance/comedy and for 5 something original. Oh and if you ever heard of any dvd's of commercials I woulodn't mind getting my hands on that either. Thanks a bunch

He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.
I think I'll call him McGuffin
I think I'll call him McGuffin