Any suggestions for a RPG
i have to say ff 10 is one of the best rpg i've ever played. it is really awesome. i'm currently playin it now, since i finally bought a ps2. i'm totally hooked on ff 10 i spend like most of my free hours playin it. which isn't a lot but it's a start. i bought star ocean til the end of time yesturday, however, the beginning is really ridiculous, when u run around like an idiot having no idea what ur goal is. also the combat is really annoying. i hate that fury thing. i totally hate it. i can't do anything. i'm in a middle of a combo and i have to stop because i ran out of fury. so i have to stand there wait for it to replenish and get my ass kicked. tales of symphonia's combat is so much more funner. ah, simple bliss.
#17's not exactly an RPG, more like a simulator/RPG mix, but Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life on GameCube is great.
I would get Tales of Symphonia. It is challenging anf very fun. If you like anime type RPGs then you should buy this game. It is probably the best RPG I own.
FF 10 is a fun game to play. Some other older games i enjoyed was Luna and Shenmue. Shenmue was a little tougher for me but i enjoyed it.

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