I guess my rant is small compared to some I have read. I feel that Gainex was on to something good when it developed and created FLCL, but making it only 6 episodes is almost a tease. I guess I am spoiled where I am use to a series being 13-27 episodes, I have never taken a liking to 6 episode or less OVA's To me the only thing that keeps FLCL from being rated as high as Cowboy Bebop and others of this sort is the lenth
You'll love Abenobashi Magic Shopping Street !

FLCL is great but no way can it come close to the greatness of Bebop! Impossible!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

time wise flcl was as long as a 13 ep series since it's episodes were all a half hour a peice. so is like any other series by it's length of time, since the average time for an episode for a normal series is only 15min.
Have you ever heard of:

"Quality NOT Quantity?"


"Too much of a good thing?"

FLCL kicks ass. I'd probably have to say my favorite, but I think having it too long might have spoiled it. FLCL is an anime that breaks the mold and it had to do something different to stay that way to stay outside the norm. I felt it was complete... I couldn't ask for more.
FLCL does kick ass, and for many reasons. It's animation was close to enitrely digitally animated, and it was funny as hell at that. Once I saw that South Park parody, damned I'll be if I forgot about this series. However, I suspect a lot of people love this series for the wrong reasons (I'm not talking about you guys though). Some don't underestand it, but think it's crazy and thus like it for that.

Oh, and Abenobashi? It's fantastic. I remember watching it on fansub two years ago, and I would've gotten the FX set if it weren't for the unusually large amount of macroblocking. It's too bad Gainax absolutely stinks at their trade now. Their last project, Kono Minikumo Utsukushi Sekai, was a flop in my opinion.
Their was just some area's of FLCL's story that I feel could of been better developed it is an A+ anime in my book episode 4 in the series to me is the only one that lags alittle
I'm one the people that didn't understand flcl Sad Besides South Park, what other parodies were in there?
Just a questiong now but, was FLCL an OVA or was it like a TV special when it first came out in Japan?
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
It was an OAV!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

any one catch the neon genesis references. sometimes i prefer off the wall anime exspecially after watching something serious. i also enjoyed the few eps of excel saga i watched. i was going to buy it from here, but adv made jj remove all thier stuff from his site.
From the most I have heard Gainix has not been able to live up to FLCL with any of their releases since FLCL anybody know or not?
I would think that Abenobashi Mahou Shotengai (Magic Shopping Street) would be Gainax's last good production, not FLCL.
FLCL for me was somewhat confusing cause it was subbed in ENGRISH. But I get it now after watching a few times.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I just thought when the series mentioned Medical Mecanica and the Pirate King but only gives it as a snipit of info you get left hanging

I said I was a preacher, I never said I was a good one
D. Wolfwood
Quote:Originally posted by Mantis421
I guess my rant is small compared to some I have read. I feel that Gainex was on to something good when it developed and created FLCL, but making it only 6 episodes is almost a tease. I guess I am spoiled where I am use to a series being 13-27 episodes, I have never taken a liking to 6 episode or less OVA's To me the only thing that keeps FLCL from being rated as high as Cowboy Bebop and others of this sort is the lenth

OAV's are always short ^^ On average they can be from 2-6 episodes. Highly unlikely for an OAV to be 24-27 eps. It would then be considered a series.
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